賀蕭(Gail Hershatter),曾求學於美國漢普郡學院、中國南開大學、美國斯坦福大學,獲斯坦福大學博士學位,曾任美國亞洲研究學會主席,現為加州大學聖剋魯斯分校曆史係自身講座教授。著有《天津工人,1900-1949》,《個人的聲音:20世紀80年代的中國婦女》,《危險的愉悅:20世紀上海的娼妓問題和現代性》,《中國婦女在漫長的20世紀》,《記憶的性彆:農村婦女和中國集體化曆史》等。
What can we learn about the Chinese revolution by placing a doubly marginalized group--rural women--at the center of the inquiry? In this book, Gail Hershatter explores changes in the lives of seventy-two elderly women in rural Shaanxi province during the revolutionary decades of the 1950s and 1960s. Interweaving these women's life histories with insightful analysis, Hershatter shows how Party-state policy became local and personal, and how it affected women's agricultural work, domestic routines, activism, marriage, childbirth, and parenting--even their notions of virtue and respectability. The women narrate their pasts from the vantage point of the present and highlight their enduring virtues, important achievements, and most deeply harbored grievances. In showing what memories can tell us about gender as an axis of power, difference, and collectivity in 1950s rural China and the present, Hershatter powerfully examines the nature of socialism and how gender figured in its creation.
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2017年春天Mullaney的Chinese Intellectual and Cultural History課上交的response essay。 Through numerous interviews of village women and local cadres in several counties of Shaanxi, Hershatter garnered a significant amount of primary sources that enabled her...
評分分享提綱: 1.口述史的方法論辨析——優點:最大程度上解決社會史史料的不足;平民化的視角;小人物的生平記錄;生動與鮮活性——缺點:跟記憶的狀況緊密相連,存在僞飾、模糊和重構的極大可能;國傢意識形態與社會集體認同對於個人記憶的再造;個人記憶與錶達之間的偏差(迫於...
評分 評分《記憶的性彆》(《The Gender of Memory: Rural Women and China’s Collective Past》)的作者賀蕭(Gail Hershatter),現於加利福尼亞大學聖剋魯斯分校曆史係執教,曾任美國亞洲研究學會主席,是中國近現代史專傢、美國中國婦女與性彆史研究開創者之一。賀蕭教授於1996年-2...
圖書標籤: 性彆研究 海外中國研究 女性 曆史 賀蕭 農村研究 人類學 曆史學
評分女神賀蕭!僅僅是關注到這一群體用十年收集整理口述史料就已經是巨大成就,但在研究中發現的memory has its gender不僅對於性彆研究意義重大,而且對於整個曆史學界都有深有啓發。Always admire scholars who determined to do oral history!不愧是得過兩次Joan Kelly還得過Levenson的人!
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