Austin Wright was born in New York in 1922. He was a novelist and academic, for many years Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Cincinnati. He lived with his wife and daughters in Cincinnati, and died in 2003 at the age of eighty.
Tony and Susan 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
准确来说这是 Tony & Susan 和 The Kite Runner 的交叉书评,还顺带了一点点影评。 The Kite Runner (后简写为 TKR)为我们很好地诠释了“性本善”,而 Tony & Susan (后简写为TS)则用一种更为隐晦的方式来书写性恶的自我催眠,主角 Tony 至死的那一刻都依然坚信自...
评分读的时候发现了一些问题,如下: 1、45页第三段第二行 上周我给让3个学生不及格。 “给”、“让”重复,删去一个即可 2、54页第一段最后一行 “她”,应该是“他”,托尼 3、79页如果当时她们不在,但现在仍然在车里,不管多早,她们也许还会有一线生机 不懂这句话的意思 4...
评分一 我们的90年代 合上《代寻旧日时光》,第一个涌入脑海的情景并不是苏珊纠结的旧爱、托尼丧亲的痛苦,反而是一个词——“90年代”。这个我们曾经无比熟悉却已然远去的时代,在知识分子、文艺青年为80年代的文艺热潮欢呼雀跃的时候,90年代显得低调、尴尬而势微。 可那是我们的...
评分梦有美梦,也有噩梦。有些梦境是虚空的幻觉,有些梦境却是现实的折射。实际上,大多数人不知道自己是生活在那个世界。也许,相对于梦境的世界,我们的现实不过是一种幻觉。 奥斯汀•怀特的小说《代寻旧时光》是一部结构独特的小说,它拥有一个外在的躯壳,又有一个内在的灵...
评分我们都是穿着文明外衣的夜行动物,无论是主动为之,还是被动接受。 ————————— 主要人物表: 爱德华:小说中“夜行动物”手稿的作者 苏珊:爱德华前妻 阿诺德:苏珊现任丈夫 莎琳娜:阿诺德前妻,现住精神病院 ——————————— 托尼:爱德华小说主角 雷伊:爱德...
图书标签: 悬疑 美国 婚姻 改编影视× 改编 小说 外国文学 原版小说
Fifteen years ago, Susan Morrow left her first husband Edward Sheffield, an unpublished writer. Now, she's enduring middle class suburbia as a doctor's wife, when out of the blue she receives a package containing the manuscript of her ex-husband's first novel. He writes asking her to read the book; she was always his best critic, he says.
As Susan reads, she is drawn into the fictional life of Tony Hastings, a math professor driving his family to their summer house in Maine. And as we read with her, we too become lost in Sheffield's thriller. As the Hastings' ordinary, civilized lives are disastrously, violently sent off course, Susan is plunged back into the past, forced to confront the darkness that inhabits her, and driven to name the fear that gnaws at her future and will change her life.
评分Tony & Susan
Tony and Susan 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书