约翰·亚历克·贝克,英国作家,凭借其极富盛名的作品《游隼》获得1967年的达夫·库珀奖。他是土生土长的埃塞克斯郡人,一生都生活在当时还只是一个乡下小镇的切姆斯福德。他所受的正式教育于1943年结束,其时他年仅16岁。他仅写过两本书,全都围绕着埃塞克斯的乡村,特别是切姆斯 福德至海岸线的这片区域。他在完成《游隼》一书后即患上重病(也有说法是他在撰写本书时已经患病,我们不得而知):先是类风湿关节炎,又因服用缓解关节疼痛的药物而患上癌症,最终于1987年12月26日去世。
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评分J.A.贝克的《游隼》被归类为自然文学,但读过就知道它不止于此。自然辽阔,万物有灵有时是人尽皆知的秘密,时常被忽略。忠实的陪伴与分担者,将眼光黏附在高贵的飞行的灵魂之上,用时间和文字去描述那些城市里看不到的细节。 对读者来说,他那些克制、欲言又止的寂静叙述,不仅...
评分《游隼》一本写鹰的书。是一个作家用自己优美的文字,描写游隼日常生活的说科研不科研,说日记不日记,说升华又没多升华的复合体。看这本书让我想起好多曾经看过的科研类“散文”,比如《一平方英寸的寂静》《狗的家世》等等。 我相信很多人可以通过阅读这本书,找到他不同于其...
图书标签: 讲故事 英国 自然 J.A.Baker 遊隼 英文原版 文学 小说
Reissue of J. A. Baker,s extraordinary classic of British nature writing Despite the association of peregrines with the wild, outer reaches of the British Isles, The Peregrine is set on the flat marshes of the Essex coast, where J A Baker spent a long winter looking and writing about the visitors from the uplands - peregrines that spend the winter hunting the huge flocks of pigeons and waders that share the desolate landscape with them. Including original diaries from which The Peregrine was written and its companion volume The Hill of Summer, this is a beautiful compendium of lyrical nature writing at its absolute best. Such luminaries as Richard Mabey, Robert Macfarlane, Ted Hughes and Andrew Motion have cited this as one of the most important books in 20th Century nature writing, and the bestselling author Mark Cocker has provided an introduction on the importance of Baker, his writings and the diaries - creating the essential volume of Baker's writings. Since the hardback was published in 2010, papers, maps, and letters have come to light which in turn provide a little more background into J A Baker,s history. Contemporaries - particularly from while he was at school in Chelmsford - have kindly provided insights, remembering a school friend who clearly made an impact on his generation. In the longer term, there is hope of an archive of these papers being established, but in the meantime, and with the arrival of this paperback edition, there is a chance to reveal a little more of what has been learned. Among fragments of letters to Baker was one from a reader who praised a piece that Baker had written in RSPB Birds magazine in 1971. Apart from a paper on peregrines which Baker wrote for the Essex Bird Report, this article - entitled On the Essex Coast - appears to be his only other published piece of writing, and, with the kind agreement of the RSPB, it has been included in this updated new paperback edition of Baker,s astounding work.
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