Eric J. Topol, M.D., is professor of innovative medicine and the director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in La Jolla, California. Trained at Johns Hopkins University, he conducted one of the first trials of a genetically engineered protein for treating heart attacks, and was the founder of the world’s first cardiovascular gene bank at the Cleveland Clinic. He lives with his family in La Jolla, California.
What if your cell phone could detect cancer cells circulating in your blood or warn you of an imminent heart attack? Mobile wireless digital devices, including smartphones and tablets with seemingly limitless functionality, have brought about radical changes in our lives, providing hyper-connectivity to social networks and cloud computing. But the digital world has hardly pierced the medical cocoon.
Until now. Beyond reading email and surfing the Web, we will soon be checking our vital signs on our phone. We can already continuously monitor our heart rhythm, blood glucose levels, and brain waves while we sleep. Miniature ultrasound imaging devices are replacing the icon of medicine—the stethoscope. DNA sequencing, Facebook, and the Watson supercomputer have already saved lives. For the first time we can capture all the relevant data from each individual to enable precision therapy, prevent major side effects of medications, and ultimately to prevent many diseases from ever occurring. And yet many of these digital medical innovations lie unused because of the medical community’s profound resistance to change. In The Creative Destruction of Medicine, Eric Topol—one of the nation’s top physicians and a leading voice on the digital revolution in medicine—argues that radical innovation and a true democratization of medical care are within reach, but only if we consumers demand it. We can force medicine to undergo its biggest shakeup in history. This book shows us the stakes—and how to win them.
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一、 盡管醫生盡量用平實的語言寫瞭這本書,但對沒有研究基礎的讀者,很多內容是難以理解的。 實際上開篇作者抨擊醫療體係缺陷以及藥品實驗的問題時,盡管大部分人應該都能理解作者的大意,但其中細節問題,統計學學的很差人讀起來是無法理解的。 也許“細節...
評分擁抱數字創新 顛覆傳統醫療 作者:遊蘇寜 隨著歲月的更迭,又到瞭辭舊迎新的農曆新年。按照傳統說法,辭彆金蛇狂舞之鼕,必將喜迎萬馬奔騰之春。就在歸心似箭的人們為瞭舉傢團圓而捲入擁擠不堪、一票難求的36億人次的全民大遷徙洪流之中時,習慣於幾乎所有周末都浪跡天涯的筆...
評分從醫學的角度講述科技創新的影響。雖然有很多醫學專有名詞不是很能讀懂,但是不可否認書的價值。 作者揭露瞭醫學界的弊病以及醫學的現狀,尤其是由於醫療事故的死亡人數超過交通事故和乳腺癌死亡人數總和,警醒世人。未來各行各業都要與科技聯係起來,用科技去推動發展。
評分本書大部分篇幅在介紹與大數據有關或者沾邊的醫療方麵的信息:需要使用大樣本做測試的臨床試驗的睏難,基因測序,針對特定基因起效的藥物(因而也可以看作個性化的藥物),等等。作者是專業的醫學工作者,內容相當專業。 比較小的篇幅談到瞭目前的IT應用給醫學帶來的變革:便...
圖書標籤: medicine 醫療 科普 數字化生活 醫學 社會創新 大數據 東西文庫
書很好 Mass medicine vs. personalized medicine 這是一場早晚要到來的革命 技術是它的必要條件 但絕非充分條件 我想大概要等到生在長在網絡時代的人們掌握話語權 革命纔能成功
評分A good picture is drawn, but the devil is in the details.
評分書很好 Mass medicine vs. personalized medicine 這是一場早晚要到來的革命 技術是它的必要條件 但絕非充分條件 我想大概要等到生在長在網絡時代的人們掌握話語權 革命纔能成功
評分書很好 Mass medicine vs. personalized medicine 這是一場早晚要到來的革命 技術是它的必要條件 但絕非充分條件 我想大概要等到生在長在網絡時代的人們掌握話語權 革命纔能成功
評分A good picture is drawn, but the devil is in the details.
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