Frederick J Gravetter is Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York College at Brockport. He has taught at Brockport since the early 1970s, specializing in statistics, research design, and cognitive psychology. He received his Bachelor's degree in mathematics from M.I.T. and his Ph.D. in psychology from Duke University. Dr. Gravetter is co-author of the best-selling STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, now in its Ninth Edition; ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Sixth Edition; and (with Lori-Ann B. Forzano) RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Third Edition.
Larry B. Wallnau is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the State University of New York College at Brockport. The recipient of grants and awards in both research and teaching, Dr. Wallnau has published numerous research articles primarily on the effect of psychotropic drugs. With Frederick J Gravetter, he has co-authored previous editions of STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, now in its Ninth Edition, and ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, now in its Sixth Edition.
The best-selling introduction to statistics for students in the behavioral and social sciences, this text continues to offer straightforward instruction, accuracy, built-in learning aids, and real-world examples. The goal of STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 9th Edition is to not only teach the methods of statistics, but also to convey the basic principles of objectivity and logic that are essential for science and valuable in everyday life. Authors Frederick Gravetter and Larry Wallnau help students understand statistical procedures through a conceptual context that explains why the procedures were developed and when they should be used. Students have numerous opportunities to practice statistical techniques through learning checks, examples, step-by-step demonstrations, and problems.
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評分不用說什麼廢話瞭,如果你也是感覺自己完全看不懂張厚璨老師那本,而且相信自己的數學水平已經倒退迴令人羞於提起的水平,就買這本書吧。 我已經快啃完瞭。雖說這本書裏有很多令人發指的印刷翻譯錯誤(我都摘齣來瞭打算最後整理瞭寄到齣版社去=_=),但依舊掩飾不瞭它是本好書...
圖書標籤: 心理學 統計學 英文原版 Statistics 心理統計 統計 英文 統計學和SPSS
4.26~5.10. 統計先修課教材,入門,很好看。附有SPSS教程,但目前統計似乎都用R瞭。
評分simple intro, quite clear but bit too verbose
評分4.26~5.10. 統計先修課教材,入門,很好看。附有SPSS教程,但目前統計似乎都用R瞭。
評分simple intro, quite clear but bit too verbose
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