馬紮林•貝納基(Mahzarin R. Banaji)& 安東尼•格林沃爾德(Anthony G. Greenwald)已經閤作瞭30多年,兩人分彆任教於哈佛大學和華盛頓大學。他們誌趣相投,都希望通過研究理解人類思維在特定社會環境下的運作方式。他們和同事布萊恩•諾塞剋一起開發瞭“內隱聯想測試”。這種方法改變瞭他們自身,也改變瞭他們的研究工作和所研究的學科領域。在implicit.harvard.edu網站上,有超過1400萬人完成瞭這項測試。在本書中,來自作者所在實驗室的研究數據和上述網站的測試結果首次與普通讀者見麵。
I know my own mind.
I am able to assess others in a fair and accurate way.
These self-perceptions are challenged by leading psychologists Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald as they explore the hidden biases we all carry from a lifetime of exposure to cultural attitudes about age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, social class, sexuality, disability status, and nationality.
“Blindspot” is the authors’ metaphor for the portion of the mind that houses hidden biases. Writing with simplicity and verve, Banaji and Greenwald question the extent to which our perceptions of social groups—without our awareness or conscious control—shape our likes and dislikes and our judgments about people’s character, abilities, and potential.
In Blindspot, the authors reveal hidden biases based on their experience with the Implicit Association Test, a method that has revolutionized the way scientists learn about the human mind and that gives us a glimpse into what lies within the metaphoric blindspot.
The title’s “good people” are those of us who strive to align our behavior with our intentions. The aim of Blindspot is to explain the science in plain enough language to help well-intentioned people achieve that alignment. By gaining awareness, we can adapt beliefs and behavior and “outsmart the machine” in our heads so we can be fairer to those around us. Venturing into this book is an invitation to understand our own minds.
Brilliant, authoritative, and utterly accessible, Blindspot is a book that will challenge and change readers for years to come.
Praise for Blindspot
“A riveting book steeped in research that feels personal, sometimes uncomfortably so . . . Banaji and Greenwald capture our attention . . . in this accessible and sobering book.” — BookPage
“Accessible and authoritative . . . This research takes Freud’s dagger into our vanity and twists it.” — The Washington Post
“An accessible and persuasive account of the causes of stereotyping and discrimination . . . Banaji and Greenwald will keep even nonpsychology students engaged with plenty of self-examinations and compelling elucidations of case studies and experiments.” — Publishers Weekly
“Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald’s work has revolutionized social psychology, proving that—unconsciously—people are affected by dangerous stereotypes.” — Psychology Today
“A stimulating treatment that should help readers deal with irrational biases that they would otherwise consciously reject.” — Kirkus Reviews
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不為“盲點”所迷惑 盲點,是人們留意不到的地方,或者是令人留意不到的事物。人在思維過程中,也常常無意識地踏入一個陷阱。社會學傢給它起瞭個很文藝範兒的名字——思維盲點。當經濟學在赫伯特·西濛(Herbent Simon)、丹尼爾·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)等先驅的...
評分人們對自己一無所知的異國民族總是懷有偏見。 ——英國著名學者漢默頓 2009年的某一天,一個黑人警察奧馬爾·愛德華茲,在離開傢門之後不久,被一位同行錯當成嫌疑犯開槍打死。這些錯誤的信...
評分不知何故,斷斷續續讀瞭很久的書,今天終於算是可以閤上放迴書架上瞭。 中途看瞭關於佛教、《人類簡史》等等書籍,都有互相滲透的部分。這本書主要從現代科學的角度微弱的闡述瞭“隱性偏見/歧視”這件事的無處不在,雖然隻是“微弱”的闡述,已經讓我感到自我的盲點的巨大力量...
圖書標籤: 心理學 社會學 偏見 英文原版 六藝 EPUB
評分雖然指齣並證明瞭常見的關於race/sex/nation等的stereotype 運用IAT測驗和諸多實驗增強說服力 但是文筆囉嗦 最後也沒有給齣太多insight 隻是證明這些prejudice是文化影響甚至進化得來 解決方法沒有參考意義
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