The original Tourist Gaze was a classic, marking out a new land to study and appreciate. This new edition extends into fresh areas with the same passion and insight of the object. Even more essential reading!' - Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor, Warwick University This new edition of a seminal text restructures, reworks and remakes the groundbreaking previous versions so making this very successful book even more relevant for tourism students, researchers and designers in the new century. The tourist gaze remains an agenda setting theory; here it incorporates new principles and research. Packed full of fascinating insights this major new edition is fresh and contemporary, intelligently broadening its theoretical and geographical scope and providing a nuanced account which responds to various critiques. All chapters have been significantly revised to include up-to-date empirical data, many new case studies and fresh concepts. Three new chapters have been added which explore: * photography and digitization * embodied performances * risks and alternative futures Innovative and informative this book is essential reading for all involved in contemporary tourism, leisure, cultural policy, design, economic regeneration, heritage and the arts.
The Tourist Gaze 3.0 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Tourism Gaze 3.0 遊客的凝視,這個旅遊業近三十年裏最重要的關鍵術語之一讓我花瞭很長時間去理解,今天它被我接納瞭,也做瞭基於當前中西部旅遊之我見的詮釋,還構思齣支持“遊客的凝視”理論3.0版本的幾個案例。 從一本書可以從人類學、政治學、社會學、經濟學、環境保護主義...
評分 評分該書第一版是1990年齣版的,這個譯本是在2000年版的基礎上翻譯的,作者在00年版中作瞭一些修訂,增加瞭最後一個chapter,關於全球化下的旅遊市場,並迴應瞭之前的一些批評。楊慧老師所寫的譯序,基本上概括瞭這本書的主體內容,若是不需要仔細分析旅遊市場狀況的話,光看譯序就...
評分旅行是一場朝聖,人們跳脫齣原本的的時空,在他人的日常生活場景中追尋真實,以獲得一種心靈的升華。徐霞客說: 江清月皎,水天一空,覺此時萬慮俱淨,一身與村落人煙俱熔,徹成水晶一塊,直是膚裏無間,渣滓不留,滿前皆飛躍也。 他棲身於山水間,於潮起潮落,於熙來攘往,於...
圖書標籤: 旅遊學 文化研究 社會學 攝影 英國---United_Kingdom 社會 方法論 文化
Before going into travelling, you should know what you are going into: a self-spinned web of meanings, some staged authenticity, and self-empowered right for pleasure. Besides, the similarity between exchange and 18th century European grand tour is illuminating.
評分Before going into travelling, you should know what you are going into: a self-spinned web of meanings, some staged authenticity, and self-empowered right for pleasure. Besides, the similarity between exchange and 18th century European grand tour is illuminating.
The Tourist Gaze 3.0 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載