維特根斯坦(1889 1951)是英籍奧地利裔學者,是20世紀西方重要的哲學傢和思想傢。他的著作和思想對當代西方哲學的發展産生瞭重要影響。他不僅直接促成瞭當代英美分析哲學的形成和發展,而且對當代歐洲大陸哲學的發展也起到瞭關鍵作用。
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The conception of a philosopher’s philosophy could be obtained, loosely this way, by drawing a boundary for that philosopher – a boundary that defines what philosophical problems are and what are not – The boundary inwardly encapsulates the philosopher’...
評分The conception of a philosopher’s philosophy could be obtained, loosely this way, by drawing a boundary for that philosopher – a boundary that defines what philosophical problems are and what are not – The boundary inwardly encapsulates the philosopher’...
評分暫時隻針對第十二捲,譯者放任到極限,達雅不及,而信亦未能至,不一一指齣瞭;簡單的例舉一個“poor evidence”(p390,第十二捲),翻成“可憐的證據”。其它類似的地方很多,我是對比英文本看的,不知是否原版,但譯者在此的錶現確實齣乎意料,這本書不知道是拿給誰看...
評分The conception of a philosopher’s philosophy could be obtained, loosely this way, by drawing a boundary for that philosopher – a boundary that defines what philosophical problems are and what are not – The boundary inwardly encapsulates the philosopher’...
評分The conception of a philosopher’s philosophy could be obtained, loosely this way, by drawing a boundary for that philosopher – a boundary that defines what philosophical problems are and what are not – The boundary inwardly encapsulates the philosopher’...
圖書標籤: 維特根斯坦 哲學 分析哲學 西方哲學 維特根斯坦全集 Wittgenstein 英美哲學 天纔
評分暫時隻針對第十二捲,譯者放任到極限,達雅不及,而信亦未能至,不一一指齣瞭;簡單的例舉一個“poor evidence”(p390,第十二捲),翻成“可憐的證據”。
維特根斯坦全集(全12捲) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載