Javier Marías was born in Madrid. His father was the philosopher Julián Marías, who was briefly imprisoned and then banned from teaching for opposing Franco. Parts of his childhood were spent in the United States, where his father taught at various institutions, including Yale University and Wellesley College. His mother died when Javier was 26 years old. He was educated at the Colegio Estudio in Madrid.
Marías began writing in earnest at an early age. "The Life and Death of Marcelino Iturriaga", one of the short stories in While the Women are Sleeping (2010), was written when he was just 14. He wrote his first novel, Los dominios del lobo (The Dominions of the Wolf), at age 17, after running away to Paris.
Marías operates a small publishing house under the name of Reino de Redonda. He also writes a weekly column in El País. An English version of his column "La Zona Fantasma" is published in the monthly magazine The Believer.
A Heart so White begins as, In the middle of a family lunch Teresa, just married, goes to the bathroom, unbuttons her blouse and shoots herself in the heart. What made her kill herself immediately after her honeymoon? Years later, this mystery fascinates the young newlywed Juan, whose father was married to Teresa before he married Juan's mother. As Juan edges closer to the truth, he begins to question his own relationships, and whether he really wants to know what happened. Haunting and unsettling, A Heart So White is a breathtaking portrayal of two generations, two marriages, the relentless power of the past and the terrible price of knowledge.
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評分 評分婚姻在我看來是愛情的終得圓滿,是另一個新生活的開始。告彆單身,組建自己的傢庭,夫妻同床共枕、坦誠相見,方得長久。也許鬍安在步入婚姻殿堂的時候,也對未來充滿瞭憧憬和美好的計劃,但隨著事情的發展,一切似乎都不是那麼完美瞭。 哈維爾•馬裏亞斯是西...
評分-------------讀《如此蒼白的心》 文/紀汐 婚姻是什麼?什麼原因讓你選擇走上瞭結婚的路,踏入婚姻的圍城(墳墓?)?小古斯塔爾多認為:“人們結婚是因為彆無選擇,因為恐懼或是沮喪,或者無法失去某人,因為無法忍受失去某人的痛苦,它總是一種囊括瞭極大瘋狂的...
評分El problema mayor y más común al comienzo de un matrimonio razonablemente convencional es que, pese a lo frágiles que resultan en nuestro tiempo y a las facilidades que tienen los contrayentes para desvincularse, por tradición es inevitable experimentar...
圖書標籤: 西班牙 哈維爾·馬裏亞斯 tentatively Javier-Marías 長篇小說 虛構 文學 to
評分絕對震撼的閱讀體驗!當代作傢當中少有像作者這樣敢用Henry James和Marcel Proust的筆法寫小說,還能讓讀者樂意往下讀的。開篇第一場從內容上已經吊足瞭我的胃口,從文風上來說既嚇人又讓我幾乎遭遇一種文體上的休剋:整個場景描寫隻講瞭一件事,而且是個長達6頁的完整段落!熟悉這種grand style之後開始體會到這種長句的好處(雖然也會讓人生畏):作者充分利用圓周句的結構和長句能夠容納的空間,不僅強迫讀者放慢閱讀速度,更加進去一些看似跑題的哲理性思考。我們結婚前後有什麼不同?攝像機的齣現如何影響我們的記憶?語言有什麼力量?知道與不知道一件事有什麼後果?這些思考再加上小說中另外幾對看似無關的人物,慢慢將整個故事連在一起,最後40頁的能量十分驚人。讀完纔明白高超的敘事下不會有乏味的細節
評分Words, marriages and hearts with secrets .
評分Words, marriages and hearts with secrets .
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