Javier Marías was born in Madrid. His father was the philosopher Julián Marías, who was briefly imprisoned and then banned from teaching for opposing Franco. Parts of his childhood were spent in the United States, where his father taught at various institutions, including Yale University and Wellesley College. His mother died when Javier was 26 years old. He was educated at the Colegio Estudio in Madrid.
Marías began writing in earnest at an early age. "The Life and Death of Marcelino Iturriaga", one of the short stories in While the Women are Sleeping (2010), was written when he was just 14. He wrote his first novel, Los dominios del lobo (The Dominions of the Wolf), at age 17, after running away to Paris.
Marías operates a small publishing house under the name of Reino de Redonda. He also writes a weekly column in El País. An English version of his column "La Zona Fantasma" is published in the monthly magazine The Believer.
A Heart So White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/宋薇棠 1928年的秋天,书桌前的福克纳写下了他《喧哗与骚动》手稿中的最后一个字。这样与众不同的书名,出自莎士比亚悲剧《麦克白》中第五幕第五场的台词:“人生如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。” 六十五年以后,已过而立之年的西班牙作家哈维尔,以同样...
评分 评分婚姻在我看来是爱情的终得圆满,是另一个新生活的开始。告别单身,组建自己的家庭,夫妻同床共枕、坦诚相见,方得长久。也许胡安在步入婚姻殿堂的时候,也对未来充满了憧憬和美好的计划,但随着事情的发展,一切似乎都不是那么完美了。 哈维尔•马里亚斯是西...
评分有一种微弱的气息 在喃喃不停的 亦真亦假的言语之中穿行 所有的情节 我和路易莎 小画家和路易莎 米丽娅姆和男人 贝和比尔 父亲和妻子 甚至女婿变成蛇的故事 都像是回环的诅咒。都被嵌套在了“弑妻”的诅咒之中。 而当父亲解开秘密(藉由叙述的语言)之时 一切的诅咒都成为了可...
评分El problema mayor y más común al comienzo de un matrimonio razonablemente convencional es que, pese a lo frágiles que resultan en nuestro tiempo y a las facilidades que tienen los contrayentes para desvincularse, por tradición es inevitable experimentar...
图书标签: 西班牙 哈维尔·马里亚斯 tentatively Javier-Marías 长篇小说 虚构 文学 to
A Heart so White begins as, In the middle of a family lunch Teresa, just married, goes to the bathroom, unbuttons her blouse and shoots herself in the heart. What made her kill herself immediately after her honeymoon? Years later, this mystery fascinates the young newlywed Juan, whose father was married to Teresa before he married Juan's mother. As Juan edges closer to the truth, he begins to question his own relationships, and whether he really wants to know what happened. Haunting and unsettling, A Heart So White is a breathtaking portrayal of two generations, two marriages, the relentless power of the past and the terrible price of knowledge.
评分绝对震撼的阅读体验!当代作家当中少有像作者这样敢用Henry James和Marcel Proust的笔法写小说,还能让读者乐意往下读的。开篇第一场从内容上已经吊足了我的胃口,从文风上来说既吓人又让我几乎遭遇一种文体上的休克:整个场景描写只讲了一件事,而且是个长达6页的完整段落!熟悉这种grand style之后开始体会到这种长句的好处(虽然也会让人生畏):作者充分利用圆周句的结构和长句能够容纳的空间,不仅强迫读者放慢阅读速度,更加进去一些看似跑题的哲理性思考。我们结婚前后有什么不同?摄像机的出现如何影响我们的记忆?语言有什么力量?知道与不知道一件事有什么后果?这些思考再加上小说中另外几对看似无关的人物,慢慢将整个故事连在一起,最后40页的能量十分惊人。读完才明白高超的叙事下不会有乏味的细节
评分Words, marriages and hearts with secrets .
评分Words, marriages and hearts with secrets .
A Heart So White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书