Alain de Botton was born in Switzerland in 1969, educated at Cambridge, and lives in London. He is the author of The Romantic Movement (Picador) and How Proust Can Change Your Life. His first novel, On Love, was published in fifteen countries, and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award for Fiction.
From Publishers Weekly
Using drawings, quizzes and quotes from famous philosphers, de Botton presents a postmodern look at the ups and downs of a love affair.
Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.
"The Romantic Movement sheds light on the nature of relationships . . . The method of telling much and showing little produces a good deal of wit, cogency, and humor."--John Updike, The New Yorker
"A reader gets whiffs of Donald Barthelme, Julian Barnes, Woody Allen, the films of Eric Rohmer . . . Mr. de Botton borrows exuberantly, and well, from his forebears . . . therein lies the buoyant charm of the approach."--Lisa Zeidner, The New York Times Book Review
"The Romantic Movement sheds light on the nature of relationships . . . The method of telling much and showing little produces a good deal of wit, cogency, and humor."--John Updike, The New Yorker
"A reader gets whiffs of Donald Barthelme, Julian Barnes, Woody Allen, the films of Eric Rohmer . . . Mr. de Botton borrows exuberantly, and well, from his forebears . . . therein lies the buoyant charm of the approach."--Lisa Zeidner, The New York Times Book Review
Product Description
In The Romantic Movement, Alain de Botton explores the progress of a love affair from first meeting to breaking up, intercut with musings on the nature of art of love. The relationship between Alice, an advertising executive, and Eric, a banker, is examined at every stage, supplemented by quizzes and line drawings by the author and commentary by a chorus of great philosophers, from Descartes to Plato to Aretha Franklin. The Romantic Movement will charm readers and lovers alike with wit, insight, and intelligence.
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這幾天看瞭德波頓的小說《愛上浪漫》,講述一個24歲英國女孩的戀愛故事。 但它可不是單純在講故事,甚至說它是沒有故事的,它沒有一般愛情小說裏麯摺離奇的情節或是讓人唏噓感嘆的對白,它更像是一本戀愛心理學的科普讀物。德波頓經常是在對女主角的戀愛心理進行不厭其煩的長...
評分這幾天看瞭德波頓的小說《愛上浪漫》,講述一個24歲英國女孩的戀愛故事。 但它可不是單純在講故事,甚至說它是沒有故事的,它沒有一般愛情小說裏麯摺離奇的情節或是讓人唏噓感嘆的對白,它更像是一本戀愛心理學的科普讀物。德波頓經常是在對女主角的戀愛心理進行不厭其煩的長...
評分這幾天看瞭德波頓的小說《愛上浪漫》,講述一個24歲英國女孩的戀愛故事。 但它可不是單純在講故事,甚至說它是沒有故事的,它沒有一般愛情小說裏麯摺離奇的情節或是讓人唏噓感嘆的對白,它更像是一本戀愛心理學的科普讀物。德波頓經常是在對女主角的戀愛心理進行不厭其煩的長...
評分其成名作"愛情筆記",用的是男性視角,寫著寫著就是哲學層次的論述~~靈的~ 不過,作為女生,大概還更會對"愛上浪漫"裏愛麗思的所處所感,引起共鳴~~ 一場romantic movement...渾渾噩噩糾纏不清 頭暈. 從此洗心革麵看待愛情~
評分這確實不能算是一本小說,起碼不是傳統意義上的小說。就像阿蘭所說的“我知道我不是詩人,我也知道我不是小說傢(我說不來故事,我發明不瞭人物)”。 這個故事沒有很細膩的景物的描畫,沒有感情發展中起起落落的細膩清晰的描述,隻是選取瞭愛情生活的一些典型有代錶意...
圖書標籤: Alain-de-Botton 阿蘭·德波頓 愛情,哲學 愛情 AlaindeBotton 小說 英國 romantic
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