No writer has rendered our boundariless, post-colonial world more acutely or prophetically than V. S. Naipaul, or given its upheavals such a hauntingly human face. A perfect case in point is this riveting novel, a masterful and stylishly rendered narrative of emigration, dislocation, and dread, accompanied by four supporting narratives.
In the beginning it is just a car trip through Africa. Two English people--Bobby, a civil servant with a guilty appetite for African boys, and Linda, a supercilious “compound wife” [117]-- are driving back to their enclave after a stay in the capital [111]. But in between lies the landscape of an unnamed country whose squalor and ethnic bloodletting suggest Idi Amin’s Uganda. [111-12, 120, 130-1, 150, 178, 220-40] And the farther Naipaul’s protagonists travel into it, the more they find themselves crossing the line that separates privileged outsiders from horrified victims. Alongside this Conradian tour de force are four incisive portraits of men seeking liberation far from home. By turns funny and terrifying, sorrowful and unsparing, In A Free State is Naipaul at his best.
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讀罷《孤獨的人》,去陽光房衝咖啡休息眼睛,窗外夜色溶溶,遠處高樓閃著熒藍的霓虹,城市在進入睡眠前高調著喧鬧,越過叢叢被黑暗浸溶色澤深紫的樹冠,能聽見馬路上車來車往的呼嘯。 適纔的閱讀仍給我快意的享受。V S 奈保爾,自從他以諾貝爾獲奬作傢的身份進入我的書單後,...
評分 評分《自由國度》﹝英﹞V.S.奈保爾 我是在近來的某一個時段,突然之間頻繁接觸到“奈保爾”、《靈異推拿師》、《黑暗之地》等等的字眼,加上印度、伊朗、阿富汗等中東的故事,對我具有魔力般的吸引力。作者奈保爾是英籍印度裔作傢,他18歲纔到牛津大學求學,獲得文學學士後畢定居英...
評分讀罷《孤獨的人》,去陽光房衝咖啡休息眼睛,窗外夜色溶溶,遠處高樓閃著熒藍的霓虹,城市在進入睡眠前高調著喧鬧,越過叢叢被黑暗浸溶色澤深紫的樹冠,能聽見馬路上車來車往的呼嘯。 適纔的閱讀仍給我快意的享受。V S 奈保爾,自從他以諾貝爾獲奬作傢的身份進入我的書單後,...
圖書標籤: 小說 V.S.奈保爾 V.S.Naipaul 英語 文學 奈保爾 fiction VSNaipaul
評分有點失望。兩個短篇還不錯,主打的短長篇令人厭煩,通篇沒話找話的大段景物描寫,沒看齣起到什麼必不可少的作用。其實整本書就是在講cultural displacement,無論“從低嚮高”追求更好的生活,還是“從高到低”尋求自由,最終都事與願違無所適從。
評分有點失望。兩個短篇還不錯,主打的短長篇令人厭煩,通篇沒話找話的大段景物描寫,沒看齣起到什麼必不可少的作用。其實整本書就是在講cultural displacement,無論“從低嚮高”追求更好的生活,還是“從高到低”尋求自由,最終都事與願違無所適從。
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