喬恩·剋拉考爾(Jon Krauer)美國暢銷書作傢,《戶外》雜誌專欄作傢、登山傢。親曆1996年珠穆朗瑪峰山難後,他在《戶外》雜誌發錶的分析報道(後來擴展為本書)獲“美國國傢雜誌奬”。
After graduating from Emory University in Atlanta in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska, where he went to live in the wilderness. Four months later, he turned up dead. His diary, letters and two notes found at a remote campsite tell of his desperate effort to survive, apparently stranded by an injury and slowly starving. They also reflect the posturing of a confused young man, raised in affluent Annandale, Va., who self-consciously adopted a Tolstoyan renunciation of wealth and return to nature. Krakauer, a contributing editor to Outside and Men's Journal, retraces McCandless's ill-fated antagonism toward his father, Walt, an eminent aerospace engineer. Krakauer also draws parallels to his own reckless youthful exploit in 1977 when he climbed Devils Thumb, a mountain on the Alaska-British Columbia border, partly as a symbolic act of rebellion against his autocratic father. In a moving narrative, Krakauer probes the mystery of McCandless's death, which he attributes to logistical blunders and to accidental poisoning from eating toxic seed pods. Maps. 35,000 first printing; author tour.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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一個剛大學畢業的僅20歲的年輕人. 拋棄瞭所有的一切焚燒瞭所有的現金以及身份證明. 在阿拉斯傢荒野生存瞭半年左右. 終於在142公車旁的最後一張微笑的照片後離開瞭這個讓他唾棄的世界. 我對christopher所做的一切到現在為止依然報著兩種不同的態度. 在書的最後他父母韆辛萬苦跑...
評分What Into the Wild, the movie or the book, attracts me is his pre-Alaska journey on the mainland of the States. He thumbed for a ride, worked on the farm, talked with the old guy about life and leather, crazy kayaked along Grand Canyon towards Mexico, etc. ...
評分開始看到這本《荒野生存》,還真有點“敬畏”。其中傑剋倫敦式的勇敢甚至彪悍,加上“在路上”一代的浪漫放逐與詩意反叛,這也太man太叛逆瞭,甚至,有點矯情吧。 故事的主人公剋裏斯是個優雅的富傢子弟,1990年,在他即將進入哈佛法學院時,卻甩手不顧一切的走進瞭荒...
評分 評分哲學貓跟我嘮叨瞭四五遍這本書,從歐洲路上說到亞洲赤道。原來作者是喬恩,寫瞭《進入空氣稀薄地帶》,是山友的必讀。文筆很流暢,故事情節穿插妥當。我喜歡作者對少年兒童時期的心理分析,作者以自身成長經曆及其父因素來分析麥坎德利斯的心理狀態,還有數位死在荒野的冒險傢...
圖書標籤: 旅行 精神生活 小說 wild 遊記 曆險 傳記 the
The real hero from this story isn’t an impetuous child who’s been immortalized for his recklessness, like so many before (and surely many after him.) It’s the author who helped make readers judge not, lest they be judged.
評分The real hero from this story isn’t an impetuous child who’s been immortalized for his recklessness, like so many before (and surely many after him.) It’s the author who helped make readers judge not, lest they be judged.
評分I always miss Alex, admire him, jealous of him. If you can let all the belongings be away, you are free, if you're free, you can get everywhere. This book i read on my way to be a backpacker around Southeast Asia, it led me to meet my love, both of us started our own trip since reading this book. it's a kinda fate i guess.
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