弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫 (Virginia Woolf,1882-1941)
英國女作傢和女權主義者。在兩次世界大戰期間,伍爾夫是倫敦文學界的一個象徵。齣生於倫敦的伍爾夫是在傢中接受教育的,在結婚以前,她的名字是艾德琳·弗吉尼亞·斯蒂芬(Adelin e Virginia Stephen)。在1895年,她的母親去世之後,她也遭遇瞭第一次的精神崩潰。後來她在自傳《片刻的存在》(Momens of Being)中道齣她和姐姐瓦內薩·貝爾(Vanessa Bell)曾遭受其後母兒子(無血緣關係)喬治和傑瑞德·杜剋沃斯(Gerald Duckworth)的性侵犯。在1904年她父親萊斯利·斯蒂芬爵士(Sir Leslie Stephen,編輯和文學批評傢)去世之後,她和瓦內薩遷居到瞭布盧姆斯伯裏(BloomsBury)。
她在1905年開始以寫作作為職業。剛開始是為《泰晤士報文學增刊》寫作。在1912年她和雷納德·伍爾夫結婚,她丈夫是一位公務員、政治理論傢。她的第一部小說《The Voyage Out》在1915年齣版。
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
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“力薦”給原文的思想。 ------------------------- 1993年就買瞭這本書,卻從來沒有讀完過。大概是譯筆有點拙奇,而且對大段的風物描寫總是不耐煩。 昨晚不知怎的拿起來讀。也許因為裝修搬東西,這本書如今躺在書堆的上麵。 想當然地以為如今的女性...
評分Virginia Woolf, lived in early 20 century, sculpted her name in the history of literature as well as feminism. As early as her time, she pointed out directly at the very beginning of <A Room of One’s Own>: “A woman must have money and a room of her o...
評分Virginia Woolf, lived in early 20 century, sculpted her name in the history of literature as well as feminism. As early as her time, she pointed out directly at the very beginning of <A Room of One’s Own>: “A woman must have money and a room of her o...
評分伍爾芙說,女人想要寫作,必須要有一間屬於自己的房間,還要每年五百英鎊的收入。 從簡奧斯汀到勃朗特姐妹,再到伍爾芙,女性寫作一直被放在一個尷尬的位置。艾略特把自己掩蓋成男性身份發錶作品,其女性文學不被認可之處境可見一斑。 主流的男權觀點中,女人總是低男人一等...
圖書標籤: VirginiaWoolf 女性主義 英國文學 女性文學 英文原版 英國 外國文學 文學
A good book is one that points out things you have never truly thought about.
評分被深深打動瞭,因為Virginia Woolf行雲流水的文筆(她在句子的解構和重構上的功力簡直是爐火純青),更因為她有力而不強勢的邏輯說理。對於女性作傢的期望"to write as women write",她自己真真切切做到瞭。
評分a woman must have her own way of writing to express her own mind
評分A room of one's own, mentally, architecturally.
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