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The Painted Veil


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William Somerset Maugham, CH (January 25, 1874 – December 16, 1965) was an English playwright, novelist, and short story writer. He was one of the most popular authors achieving recognition as the highest paid of his profession during the 1930s.

Commercial success with high book sales, successful play productions and a string of film adaptations, backed by astute stock market investments, allowed Maugham to live a very comfortable life. Small and weak as a boy, Maugham had been proud even then of his stamina, and as an adult he kept churning out the books, proud that he could.

Yet, despite his triumphs, he never attracted the highest respect from the critics or his peers. Maugham himself attributed this to his lack of "lyrical quality", his small vocabulary and failure to make expert use of metaphor in his work.

It seems equally likely that Maugham was underrated because he wrote in such a direct style. There was nothing in a book by Maugham that the reading public needed explained to them by critics. Maugham thought clearly, wrote lucidly, and expressed acerbic and sometimes cynical opinions in handsome, civilized prose. He wrote in a time when experimental modernist literature such as that of William Faulkner, Thomas Mann, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf was gaining increasing popularity and won critical acclaim. In this context, his writing was criticized as "such a tissue of clichés that one's wonder is finally aroused at the writer's ability to assemble so many and at his unfailing inability to put anything in an individual way"[16].

Maugham's homosexual leanings also shaped his fiction, in two ways. Since, in life, he tended to see attractive women as sexual rivals, he often gave the women of his fiction sexual needs and appetites, in a way quite unusual for distinguished authors of his time. "Liza of Lambeth," "Cakes and Ale" and "The Razor's Edge" all featured women determined to service their strong sexual appetites, heedless of the result.

Also, the fact that Maugham's own sexual appetites were highly disapproved of, or even criminal, in nearly all of the countries in which he traveled, made Maugham unusually tolerant of the vices of others. Readers and critics often complained that Maugham did not clearly enough condemn what was bad in the villains of his fiction and plays. Maugham replied in 1938: "It must be a fault in me that I am not gravely shocked at the sins of others unless they personally affect me."

Maugham's public account of his abilities remained modest; toward the end of his career he described himself as "in the very first row of the second-raters". In 1954, he was made a Companion of Honour.

Maugham had begun collecting theatrical paintings before the First World War and continued to the point where his collection was second only to that of the Garrick Club[17]. In 1948 he announced that he would bequeath this collection to the Trustees of the National Theatre, and from 1951, some 14 years before his death, it began its exhibition life and in 1994 they were placed on loan to the Theatre Museum in Covent Garden.

The Painted Veil pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

Shallow, poorly educated Kitty marries the passionate and intellectual Walter Fane and has an affair with a career politician, Charles Townsend, assistant colonial secretary of Hong Kong. When Walter discovers the relationship, he compels Kitty to accompany him to a cholera-infested region of mainland China, where she finds limited happiness working with children at a convent. But when Walter dies, she is forced to leave China and return to England. Generally abandoned, she grasps desperately for the affection of her one remaining relative, her long-ignored father. In the end, in sharp, unexamined contrast to her own behavior patterns, she asserts that her unborn daughter will grow up to be an independent woman. The Painted Veil was first published in 1925 and is usually described as a strong story about a woman's spiritual journey. To more pragmatic, modern eyes, Kitty's emotional growth appears minimal. Still, if not a major feminist work, the book has literary interest. Sophie Ward's uninflected reading is competent if not compelling.

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一直以為這隻是一個以神秘東方背景為賣點的愛情故事,一對互不瞭解卻匆匆結閤的夫婦,軍閥混戰時期一個霍亂橫行的中國南方小城,異國他鄉,生與死的考驗,絕望中的互相理解與撫慰,愛情的溫暖戰勝死亡的寒冷,一點也不像毛姆。但是我錯瞭,竟然讓好萊塢先入為主。 毛姆...  




毛姆叔叔,從來不在毒舌這件事上讓人失望,有時候想到一個口吃者能刻薄到這種地步,仿佛在現實中就是滔滔不絕,一句俏皮話取樂滿場人的社交高手,真是造物主的神奇。 看到他筆下的人物偶然錯開眼神、貌似不經意提起的短句、陡然升起的語調,凡此種種,統統拿來一番剖析,血淋...


2016年4月12日淩晨1點19分,有好幾件事情混雜在一起:①睏 ②剛剛過去的××歲生日 ③毛姆的《麵紗》昨天付梓印刷 ④這篇毫無頭緒的文章。這些紛雜無序的事情同時齣現在這一精確的時間點上,也許包含著某種隱喻。正如《麵紗》開篇所說的:“那描畫的麵紗,蕓蕓眾生稱之...  

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出版者:Vintage; Reprint edition
作者:W. Somerset Maugham
價格:USD 13.95

圖書標籤: 毛姆  W.SomersetMaugham  小說  英國文學  英文原版  女性  英文  愛情   

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I like how Maugham exposes the weakness of humanity without mercy. Kitty tried so hard to be free, to have control of herself and to be a better self but all in vain. She just could not escape the confinement of her upbringing. Truth is few people can. Maugham was such a humanity observer and he did not try to beautify it.


結尾太平瞭吧 感覺像草草收尾 不愛的人永遠無法愛上嗎 本能的愛和精神的愛 沒有前者 後者的力量竟會如此薄弱嗎


結尾有點倉促。”The dog it was that died“聽起來像是苦澀的自嘲,Walter是原諒Kitty瞭吧,可是他原諒自己瞭麼。Kitty到最後對Walter有的也隻是pity沒有愛這真是毛姆會有的寫法


毛姆的筆力之精湛 就在於著墨不多的人物也不平麵化 幾組對比與對照意象的設置非常工整 然則結尾新生活的曙光並不能照亮這個不快樂的故事啊



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