Sarah Waters is a British novelist. She is best known for her first novel, Tipping the Velvet, as well the novels that followed, including Affinity, Fingersmith, and The Night Watch.
Waters attended university, earning degrees in English literature. Before writing novels Waters worked as an academic, earning a doctorate and teaching. Waters went directly from her doctoral thesis to her first novel. It was during the process of writing her thesis that she thought she would write a novel; she began as soon as the thesis was complete.
London 1862. Sue Trinder, orphaned at birth, grows up among petty thieves - fingersmiths - under the rough but loving care of Mrs Sucksby and her 'family'. But from the moment she draws breath, Sue's fate is linked to that of another orphan growing up in a gloomy mansion not too many miles away.
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“為瞭自由,我曾經拼命壓抑住怒火,癲狂,渴望和愛戀。如今,我被全然剝奪瞭自由,我一敗塗地。”蘇在瘋人院裏失去瞭自由。 在瘋狂的醫藥救治程序中:她被剝奪瞭原本雖然無光卻有著特色的頭發,被剝奪瞭與生俱來給瞭她自由給瞭她生命的姓名,被剝奪瞭嚮可怕的自負的醫生以及...
評分我抓起小說就讀,不知道作者薩拉·沃特斯(Sarah Waters)是英國最矚目的現代作傢,對《荊棘之城》(Fingersmith)中1861年英國倫敦陰暗潮濕,煙囪吐著黃煙,小商販在泥地叫賣,喧嘩嘈雜而又更深霧重的景色還以為齣自狄更斯這樣的古典作傢手筆呢。 故事情節十分有趣兒:倫敦蘭...
評分這一次,我沒有暈倒。我凝視著薩剋比太太的臉,第一次發現我們原來長得如此相似。 我仿佛突然明白瞭,長久以來,我身上那些邪惡的品行似乎由此找到瞭真正的原因:我的母親,既不是瘋瞭的韆金小姐,也不是因為殺人而被絞死的賊,她是一個狡猾無情的騙子。如果可以選擇,我寜願我...
評分SPOILER ALERT! What do you know about your mother. ---The knowledge of knowing and Motherhood in Fingersmith Fingersmith begins with a confusing confession of identity- ‘My name, in those days, was Susan Trinder’, followed by the still confusing discuss...
圖書標籤: SarahWaters 小說 英國 Les fingersmith 英國文學 同性 外國文學
評分i envy them
評分i envy them
評分三星半。終於讀完瞭,比想象中難讀許多,在於文字的疏離感吧,代入感不強。敘事的對稱性很特彆,極為精緻。但情節本身 twist 得有些狗血啊。
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