Spaces of Hope 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
梁捷:乌托邦、歹托邦与异托邦 大卫•哈维这个名字,我是早先读商务名著《地理学中的解释》时知道的,具备了新左派,后现代地理学者,极端马克思主义者等标签。当然这本《希望的空间》则是凭借骇人听闻的定价给我留下最初的印象。 哈维七十年代初成名,和罗尔斯差不多,1973...
评分一个友人的推荐,不由的说几句。 资本的概念这里认为是“金钱”“有形”资本,其实如果把“劳动力人力资本和无形资本、社会资本”还有“环境资本”考虑之后,那么我们就不会那么悲观了。主要的问题是“社会、人力、知识资本和环境资本”我们在金融会计理论上还没有成熟,无法...
评分梁捷:乌托邦、歹托邦与异托邦 大卫•哈维这个名字,我是早先读商务名著《地理学中的解释》时知道的,具备了新左派,后现代地理学者,极端马克思主义者等标签。当然这本《希望的空间》则是凭借骇人听闻的定价给我留下最初的印象。 哈维七十年代初成名,和罗尔斯差不多,1973...
评分一个友人的推荐,不由的说几句。 资本的概念这里认为是“金钱”“有形”资本,其实如果把“劳动力人力资本和无形资本、社会资本”还有“环境资本”考虑之后,那么我们就不会那么悲观了。主要的问题是“社会、人力、知识资本和环境资本”我们在金融会计理论上还没有成熟,无法...
图书标签: DavidHarvey 空間 政治经济学 社会学 城市 空间 地理 历史地理学
As the twentieth century drew to a close, the rich were getting richer; power was concentrating within huge corporations; vast tracts of the earth were being laid waste; and, three quarters of the earth's population had no control over its destiny and no claim to basic rights. There was nothing new in this. What was new was the virtual absence of any political will to do anything about it. "Spaces of Hope" takes issue with this. David Harvey brings an exciting perspective to two of the principal themes of contemporary social discourse: globalization and the body. Exploring the uneven geographical development of late-twentieth-century capitalism, and placing the working body in relation to this new geography, he finds in Marx's writings a wealth of relevant analysis and theoretical insight. In order to make much-needed changes, Harvey maintains, we need to become the architects of a different living and working environment and to learn to bridge the micro-scale of the body and the personal and the macro-scale of global political economy. Utopian movements have for centuries tried to construct a just society. Harvey looks at their history to ask why they failed and what the ideas behind them might still have to offer. His devastating description of the existing urban environment (Baltimore is his case study) fuels his argument that we can and must use the force of utopian imagining against all who say 'there is no alternative'. He outlines a new kind of utopian thought, which he calls dialectical utopianism, and refocuses our attention on possible designs for a more equitable world of work and living with nature. If any political ideology or plan is to work, he argues, it must take account of our human qualities. Finally, Harvey dares to sketch a very personal utopian vision in an appendix, one that leaves no doubt about his own geography of hope.
a fasinate book, full of passion and rational analysis.what is most important, the author chose to resist this overwhelming captialism
评分"The body as an accumulation strategy" and "The utopian moment" (这两个词组本身就构成了一个鲜明又有趣的对比)
评分Dialectic Utopianism.将乌托邦从孤立空间和时间的终点性上解放出来,变成一种可变的,与具体时空(即历史和地理)交涉的Alternative.其意义不在于把乌托邦变成现实而在于替代可能的呈现。讨论大都很宏观,虽提到了身体政治但似乎没有把个体意识的能动力体现出来。
评分"The body as an accumulation strategy" and "The utopian moment" (这两个词组本身就构成了一个鲜明又有趣的对比)
评分"The body as an accumulation strategy" and "The utopian moment" (这两个词组本身就构成了一个鲜明又有趣的对比)
Spaces of Hope 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书