About the Author
Mary Wood Cornog is a contributor for Merriam-Webster Inc titles including: 'Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder'
Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world.
Designed to achieve two goals: to add a large number of words to your permanent working vocabulary, and to teach the most useful of the classical word-building roots to help you continue expanding your vocabulary in the future. Greek and Latin have been the sources of most of the words in the English Language. You could find much fun in this book that some of the fashion words are come from an elegent sources dated back to thousands of years. Also, you could enjoy the infinite discovery through reading it, which is not merely a dictionary, but a wonderful educational and enlightening book.
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是中國版字根詞綴的擴展版 有很多的舉例 方便在作文的時候引用 都是些道地的美國曆史啦 歐洲文化史方麵的人文例子 所以對有較長時間準備雞鴨作文的同誌們會有幫助的哦~
評分背過的單詞書很多,從新綜閤的小詞典,到四六級,專四,專八,到新東方托福,GRE,雅思的紅寶書,還有四本劉毅的進階詞匯書,都無法和這本相比。它講解詞匯是鞭闢入裏的,難忘又帶有濃厚的文化背景。其他詞匯書都是用“背”的,而這本Vocabulary Builder需要一種讀書的心態。所...
評分 評分趁著背單詞的熱乎勁兒寫個REPO。 一些關於韋小綠的不靠譜感受。人生第一次寫repo所以寫的萬分腦殘。在大傢刷Marvel的時候我po這個會有人看麼……【滾走 之前買瞭一本背單詞的書,全名叫做Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder——簡稱韋小綠。書是在亞馬遜上麵買的,之前看...
評分這一本綠色的韋氏字根詞典,英文書名 《Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder》人稱“韋小綠”,我給這本書想瞭一個slogan, 叫 "用過的人都說好" 。 韋小綠對單詞的講解不僅局限於詞根詞綴部分,而且還糅閤進瞭曆史、文化、宗教等人文信息。它的講解風格時而帶著美式俏皮, ...
圖書標籤: 英語 vocabulary 工具書 詞匯 Merriam-Webster's 記單詞 單詞 gre
評分盡管我啥也沒打算考,盡管我是在地攤撿瞭二手……但這書太有愛瞭,再碰見送一本給大俠= =
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