Decipher the unspoken vocabulary of body language. A tilt of the head, the crossing of legs, the buttoning and unbuttoning of a jacket, and other gestures can speak volumes about what a person is thinking or feeling. By learning to spot hidden emotional, social, and sexual messages, you can tell how a person is reacting to you, respond appropriately, and influence the outcome of any situation. Detect and send messages of friendliness and flirtation. Gain and maintain the upper hand in negotiations and arguments. Determine whether someone is lying, recognize boredom, and overcome defensiveness. By interpreting nonverbal behavior, you can improve your control over job interviews, business meetings, parties, chance encounters, and other everyday situations.
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圖書標籤: 心理學 身體語言 英文 溝通技巧 溝通 心理 英文原版 英語
評分不一定的吧 =。=
評分2018-03: oberve gestures and check congruency, be an aware person will help myself and the other party.
How to Read a Person Like a Book 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載