Kate Chopin, was born Katherine O'Flaherty in St. Louis on Feburary8,1851, of a prosperous Irish-born merchant father and an aristocratic Creole mother. She studied piano, wrote poetry, and read Dickens, Austen, Goethe, de Stael, and the Brontes. Despite her free spirit--she was once nicknamed the "littlest rebel" for yanking down a Union flag--Kate grew to be a leading social belle, admired for her wit and beauty.
In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin. Matrimony did not quell her independence; she dressed unconventionally, took long unchaperoned walks, and smoked cigarettes. In their twelve years of married life, she bore six children, and upon Oscar's sudden death in 1882 she took over the management of the Chopin family plantation in Natchitoches, Louisana. She turned seriously to writing shortly thereafter, publishing stories in Vogue and Atlantic Monthly. She wrote a novel, At Fault(1890), Bayou Folk, a collection of stories(1894), A Night in Acadie, a second collection (1897), and her masterpiece The Awakening(1899), which aroused a national scandal for its "indecency." Banned by libraries, it even prevented her admission into the St. Louis Fine Arts Club--even though Kate Chopin was famous for her literary salon, which attracted distinguished artists and writers from all over the country.
Always sensitive to criticism, Chopin was devastated by the furor that surrounded the publication of The Awakening, and its harsh reception ultimately caused her to stop writing. When she died in 1904, she had been denied the recognition she desperately wanted and richly deserved.
The second edition of this important canonical text is again based in the 1899 edition. The "Criticism" section has been greatly expanded to include more feminist appraisals, and a chronology has been added.
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覺醒是遼寜教育齣版社新萬有文庫中的一本,不到200頁。譯本也很好。譯者是楊瑛美。 作者凱特肖邦。這本書齣版於1899年。因為女性意識的覺醒 曾被禁止。我買大概是因為信任遼寜這套文庫和便宜的價格,因為在買之前我對她一無所知。 小說說的是美國南方的一位夫人...
評分心理活動太多,故事有點壓抑,而且文筆也不太是我喜歡的風格。用詞比較簡單,篇幅不長(是不是長篇小說啊?篇幅這麼短)就這倆點來說誠意推薦。總之,個人感覺是時代意義大於藝術價值。 kate chopin還寫過短篇,有些還是很有意思的
評分《橘子紅瞭》中看到一本書《覺醒》,它引導秀禾掙脫命運的枷鎖,她的掙紮,她的探索在生命的最後一刻做瞭終結。那時候,耀輝正牽著新娘的手在眾人的祝福聲中步入教堂,空曠的拱形屋頂迴蕩著美妙的樂章。 信手就拿瞭這本書,一如平時,一切皆因直覺。全英文版本,字字句句...
評分這是一部在美國文學史上被“重新發現”的經典。齣版於1899年,在“cult of womenhood”的時代,《覺醒》所受關注甚少,即便有,也是負麵的評價。隻在20世紀70年代女性主義盛行時,在女性主義者試圖重新發現被忽略的女性作傢及其作品、重建文學傳統和經典的努力中,《覺醒》被經...
評分今晚一口氣讀完《覺醒》這本書,原名為《孤獨的靈魂》(A Solitary Soul)。在讀之前並不知道還有這個如此喜歡的原名,就連作者是誰都不知道,對小說的背景也毫不瞭解。隻是看著名字感覺還不錯,頁數也不是很多,應該可以在較短時間內讀完,拿來練習一下速讀應該還可以。沒想到...
圖書標籤: KateChopin 美國文學 女性 英文原版 美國 小說 feminism chopin
評分The artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies. 所有的女性主義小說似乎都麵臨著一個“齣走之後”/“覺醒之後”的問題。結局是唯美而突兀的,似乎預示著一個永遠無法解決的睏境。btw作者文筆不錯用詞不難(生詞幾乎都是法語)但其實說實話故事有點瑪麗蘇…給我一種美國張愛玲的感覺!我很好奇這個女主到底有多美…A woman of great beauty, sensuality and sensibility is not suitable for a marriage!
評分You need strong wings
評分*ENGL1028終於差不多幾乎結課瞭 Edna算是生不逢時瞭啊
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