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Winesburg, Ohio


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Sherwood Anderson was an American writer who was mainly known for his short stories, most notably the collection Winesburg, Ohio. That work's influence on American fiction was profound, and its literary voice can be heard in Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Thomas Wolfe, John Steinbeck, Erskine Caldwell and others.


Sherwood Anderson, (1876-1941), was an American short-story writer and novelist. Although none of his novels was wholly successful, several of his short stories have become classics. Anderson was a major influence on the generation of American writers who came after him. These writers included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and William Faulkner. Anderson thus occupies a place in literary history that cannot be fully explained by the literary quality of his work.

Anderson was born on Sept. 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio. He never finished high school because he had to work to support his family. By 1912, he was the successful manager of a paint factory in Elyria, Ohio, and the father of three children by the first of his four wives. In 1912, Anderson deserted his family and job. In early 1913, he moved to Chicago, where he devoted more time to his imaginative writing. He became a heroic model for younger writers because he broke with what they considered to be American materialism and convention to commit himself to art.

Anderson's most important book is WINESBURG, OHIO (1919), a collection of 22 stories. The stories explore the lives of inhabitants of Winesburg, a fictional version of Clyde, Ohio, the small farm town where Anderson lived for about 12 years of his early life. These tales made a significant break with the traditional American short story. Instead of emphasizing plot and action, Anderson used a simple, precise, unsentimental style to reveal the frustration, loneliness, and longing in the lives of his characters. These characters are stunted by the narrowness of Midwestern small-town life and by their own limitations.

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Winesburg, Ohio pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

'Here [is] a new order of short story,' said H. L. Mencken when Winesburg, Ohio was published in 1919. 'It is so vivid, so full of insight, so shiningly life-like and glowing, that the book is lifted into a category all its own.' Indeed, Sherwood Anderson's timeless cycle of loosely connected tales--in which a young reporter named George Willard probes the hopes, dreams, and fears of the solitary people in a small Midwestern town at the turn of the century--embraced a new frankness and realism that ushered American literature into the modern age. 'There are moments in American life to which Anderson gave not only the first but the final expression,' wrote Malcolm Cowley. 'Winesburg, Ohio is far from the pessimistic or morbidly sexual work it was once attacked for being. Instead it is a work of love, an attempt to break down the walls of loneliness, and, in its own fashion, a celebration of small-town life in the lost days of good will and innocence.'

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Winesburg, Ohio pdf epub mobi 讀後感


11月30日 《沒有人知道》這個短篇,很簡短,寫的又是平常的事,讀來卻自有一股感動的力量。這源於作者對人物性格、心理以及對周遭環境的細緻描摹。記得有人說,愛情最美妙、最醉人的時刻,是還沒有捅破那層紙的那些時光。這篇小說,寫的就是捅破那層紙的小事。我猜想,大概...  




Winesburg,Ohio讀後感 故事集中在一個小城。準確來說是一個關係網交錯,彼此知根知底的小鎮,他們的世界天然地隔絕在一方天地上,聆聽著彼此的故事,卻帶著復雜的眼神。 作者是美國文學大師捨伍德•安德森,他構思的故事彼此分立甚至彼此對立,卻用隱晦的綫條交織在一起。入...  




安德森的名氣主要來自他的兩個學生。一個叫福剋納,一個叫海明威。兩個人都是美國文壇——錯瞭,世界文壇上赫赫有名的人物。貌似安德森跟他倆沾光瞭。 但是我不知道你讀沒讀過福剋納、海明威和安德森的小說。就我個人經驗來看,福剋納的小說讀著讓人想睡覺(也可能是SB翻譯的問...  

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出版者:Signet Classics
作者:Sherwood Anderson
價格:USD 5.95

圖書標籤: SherwoodAnderson  美國文學  美國  小說  英文原版  英文原著  小鎮畸人  文學   

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Sherwood Anderson


They are everything about lonliness and the grotesques. The language is plain and colloquial, without ornament, yet so absorbing.


我感覺George是多少帶點自傳色彩的人物,整本書以他的成長為綫索,白描齣小鎮的各色小人物小故事。翻譯成"畸人"有點偏頗,故事裏的人大都被壓抑,被孤立(或天性孤僻),缺乏理解和溝通。由於時代限製,小地方閉塞,道德觀念仍然十分傳統,所以與欲望鬥爭的修道士,對愛抱有幻想的師奶,急於證明自己"正常"的偏執狂,以及生理需求得不到解決的少男少女,都成瞭"小鎮畸人"。可是在現實生活中,又有誰能算得上完全的正常人呢?忽然想起另一部我鍾情的小說,鬍廷武的 九聽,也是這種風格,形散而神不散。小城故事多,歡迎來做客


Sherwood Anderson



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