剋裏思・馬修斯在美國是一個傢喻戶曉的人物,如果走進美國,你會發現許多城市的大街上都張貼著他的巨照片。而奠定他的名聲的就是這部百年難遇的經典之作、被《讀者文摘》評為最佳非小說類作品的超級暢銷書。 馬修斯曾先後擔任美國參議員弗蘭剋・莫斯的助手、第39任總統吉米・卡特的演講撰稿人、國會眾議院議長蒂普・奧尼爾(第95-99屆)的首席助理兼發言人,數十年生活在政壇高層的幕前幕後,經曆,目睹瞭許多政治人物的沉浮成敗,是一個真正瞭解政治,懂得政治的人。 馬修斯認為,政壇風雲人物的成功智慧與從政藝術,不應該隻對雄心勃勃的政界人士有價值,其中包含瞭人類永恒的真理,應該公諸於世讓更多的人分享,去實理人生,事業的成功與輝煌。所以,他便寫下瞭這本揭示政壇成敗潛在法則,像優秀小說一樣膾炙人口的佳作。 自1988年首版以來,本書在美國一直暢銷不衰,並被迅速譯成其他語種,在許多國傢流傳。它不僅受到政界人士的鍾愛,也備受企業傢、公司白領、大學生、青年人的歡迎。 本書的問世使馬修斯獲得瞭“政治遊戲的分析師”、“當代的馬基雅弗利”的稱號。 剋裏思・馬修斯現在是全美廣播公司電視網(CNBC)《硬球》節目主持人、《舊金山觀察》的高級評論員。
How politics is played by one who knows the game... Chris Matthews has spent a quarter century on the playing field of American politics -- from righthand man of Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill to host of NBC's highest rated cable talk show Hardball. In this revised and updated edition of his political classic, he offers fascinating new stories of raw ambition, brutal rivalry, and exquisite seduction and reveals the inside rules that govern the game of power.
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筆記如下: 1. It is not who you know, it is who you get to know. Washington is like working in a big Company where it is who you know is more important than what you know. The key to your success in life is based upon your personal relationships. Nearly eve...
評分 評分http://book.douban.com/review/6649543/ 1. It is not who you know, it is who you get to know. Washington is like working in a big Company where it is who you know is more important than what you know. The key to your success in life is based upon your p...
評分http://book.douban.com/review/6649543/ 1. It is not who you know, it is who you get to know. Washington is like working in a big Company where it is who you know is more important than what you know. The key to your success in life is based upon your p...
圖書標籤: 政治 Hardball 英文原版 美國 政治學 社會 Politics 成長
評分The best way of making good friend is to ask for help.
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