Michel Foucault (1926-1984) Celebrated French thinker and activist who challenged people's assumptions about care of the mentally ill, gay rights, prisons, the police and welfare.
'Time has proved Madness and Civilization by far the most penetrating work ever written on the history of madness (and, above all the history of reason).' - Roy Porter
'Michel Foucault's - Madness and Civilization has been, without a shadow of a doubt, the most original, influential, and controversial text in this field during the last forty years. It remains as challenging now as on first publication. Its insights have still not been fully appreciated and absorbed.'
'This is quite an exceptional book of very high calibre - brilliantly written, intellectually rigorous, and with a thesis that thoroughly shakes the assumptions of traditional psychiatry.' - R.D. Laing
'Michel Foucault's Madness and Civilization has been, without a shadow of a doubt, the most original, influential, and controversial text in this field during the last forty years. It remains as challenging now as on first publication.' - Roy Porter
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請參見[http://art.ifeng.com/2015/0821/2483137.shtml] 很有意思 轉給大傢瞅瞅~ 包括folly 戈雅 丟勒 博斯 還有細節圖 我其實就是在湊字數而已 P9 福柯認為,雖然麻風病人被排斥,但他們的存在是對上帝的一個可靠證明,因為這是上帝憤怒和恩寵的一個錶徵。”在勃魯蓋爾(B...
評分 評分 評分瘋癲與文明【法】米歇爾福柯 “人類必然會瘋癲到這種地步,即不瘋癲也隻是另一種形式的瘋癲”——帕斯卡 四種瘋癲:浪漫化的瘋癲;狂妄自大的瘋癲;正義懲罰的瘋癲;絕望情欲的瘋癲(P24-26) 在墮落之前,傲慢是人類犯下的罪孽。自墮落之後,遊手好閑是人類傲慢的最極端...
圖書標籤: Foucault 哲學 福柯 社會 社會哲學 科學 社會學 文論/文化研究/語言學
"The frequency in the modern world of works of art that explode out of madness no doubt proves nothing about the reason of that world."
評分year 1 reading list
評分"The frequency in the modern world of works of art that explode out of madness no doubt proves nothing about the reason of that world."
評分"The frequency in the modern world of works of art that explode out of madness no doubt proves nothing about the reason of that world."
評分在揭發bourgeois morality對人的自由圈起的界綫之後,問題仍在於越過界綫的行動,怎樣纔是真正自由的,而非僅僅為瞭越界而越界的hypocrisy
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