First published in 2000, this translation of one of the great works of Western political thought is based on the assumption that when Plato chose the dialogue form for his writing, he intended these dialogues to sound like conversations - although conversations of a philosophical sort. In addition to a vivid, dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text, the student and general reader will find many aids to comprehension in this volume: an introduction that assesses the cultural background to the Republic, its place within political philosophy, and its general argument; succinct notes in the body of the text; an analytical summary of the work's content; a full glossary of proper names; a chronology of important events; and a guide to further reading. The result is an accomplished and accessible edition of this seminal work, suitable for philosophers and classicists as well as historians of political thought at all levels.
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第一捲 第一捲主要討論瞭兩個問題。正義是什麼?正義與不正義哪個更有利?這些問題非常重要,正如蘇格拉底所說:“它牽涉到每個人一生的道路問題——究竟做哪種人最有益?”(344E)。 談話的人主要有:蘇格拉底、格勞孔、剋法洛斯和他的兒子玻勒馬霍斯和詭辯派哲學傢色拉敘馬...
評分一、簡析“洞穴比喻”的含義 如果說《理想國》是一部關於哲學的戲劇,那麼以“洞穴比喻”為核心的三大比喻可謂是這部戲劇的高潮和精華所在。 洞穴比喻主要描述瞭這樣一個故事:有一個洞穴式的地下室,它通過一條長而斜的通道與外界相連,有一些人從小就住在這裏,他們頭頸和...
評分這篇導讀寫給大學本科生、對《理想國》好奇的普通讀者。參考瞭吳增定老師《[我怎麼教學生讀〈理想國〉]》。我的視野有限,沒能覆蓋《理想國》涉及的所有問題。歡迎有經驗的讀者提齣建議。 為什麼想讀《理想國》?[張泰蘇老師迴憶自己的讀書經曆]: 我以前那會兒也思考曆史、哲...
圖書標籤: 柏拉圖 Plato Philosophy 哲學 古希臘 Republic SJC-seminar Literature
This text is so dense, in the sense that he always has something new to tell, whether it's a story, a myth, a metaphor, or a poem. This man (Socrate--Plato) has an inexhaustible soul that can never be predicted. I was forced to think whether the origin of anything (like philosophy) has to be the simplest, or it can be the most complex.
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