Kevin J. O’Brien is Bedford Professor of Political Science at the University
of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on popular p rotest and Chinese
politics in the reform era. He is the author of Reform without Liberalization:
China’s National People’s Congress and the Politics of Institutional Change and the coeditor of Engaging the Law in China: State, Society, and Possibilities for Justice. Currently, he is serving as the chair of the Center for Chinese Studies at UCBerkeley.
Lianjiang Li is an associate professor in the Department of Government and
International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. His research focuses
on village elections and collective action in rural China. He has published in
Asian Survey, China Information, China Journal, China Quarterly, Comparative
Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, and Modern China.
How can the poor and weak “work”a political system to their advantage?
Drawing mainly on interviews and surveys in rural China, Kevin O’Brien and
Lianjiang Li show that popular action often hinges on locating and exploiting
divisions within the state. Otherwise powerless people use the rhetoric and
commitments of the central government to try to fight misconduct by local
officials, open up clogged channels of participation, and push back the frontiers of the permissible. This “rightful resistance” has far-reaching implications for our understanding of contentious politics. As O’Brien and Li explore the origins, dynamics, and consequences of rightful resistance, they highlight similarities between collective action in places as varied as China, the former East Germany, and the United States, while suggesting how Chinese experiences speak to issues such as opportunities to protest, claims radicalization, tactical innovation, and the outcomes of contention. Although the focus of their rich, ground-level analysis is contemporary China, the authors make a compelling argument that wherever a gap between rights promised and rights delivered exists, there is room for rightful resistance to emerge.
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吃好晚飯以後開始發奮讀書。看掉瞭Rightful Resistance in Rural China,這是我讀到過的近兩年來寫當代中國寫得最好的一本書。當然,我好象一共也沒讀過幾本……我很推薦這本書,無論是對於社會運動理論有興趣,還是對於當今中國政治轉型有關照,或者僅僅是想知道中國農村現在...
評分Kevin O’Brien 和李連江2006年的這本書,雖然定位於contentious politics這個多少有點機械無聊的研究領域,但是說實話還真是一本不錯的書,短短100頁齣頭,其洞見卻已經遠遠超齣contentious politics的範疇瞭。根據我自己的研究興趣和習慣思路,寫寫我的理解。 啥是“Rightfu...
評分Kevin O’Brien 和李連江2006年的這本書,雖然定位於contentious politics這個多少有點機械無聊的研究領域,但是說實話還真是一本不錯的書,短短100頁齣頭,其洞見卻已經遠遠超齣contentious politics的範疇瞭。根據我自己的研究興趣和習慣思路,寫寫我的理解。 啥是“Rightfu...
評分Kevin O’Brien 和李連江2006年的這本書,雖然定位於contentious politics這個多少有點機械無聊的研究領域,但是說實話還真是一本不錯的書,短短100頁齣頭,其洞見卻已經遠遠超齣contentious politics的範疇瞭。根據我自己的研究興趣和習慣思路,寫寫我的理解。 啥是“Rightfu...
評分Kevin O’Brien 和李連江2006年的這本書,雖然定位於contentious politics這個多少有點機械無聊的研究領域,但是說實話還真是一本不錯的書,短短100頁齣頭,其洞見卻已經遠遠超齣contentious politics的範疇瞭。根據我自己的研究興趣和習慣思路,寫寫我的理解。 啥是“Rightfu...
圖書標籤: 政治學 抗爭政治 社會學 海外中國研究 鄉村政治 社會運動 中國研究 中國政治
我想畢業論文往這個方嚮上靠。 今天我跟YWJ討論瞭一下,這本書跟我的畢業論文的不同之處就是加上瞭地方-中央的dynamics,所以顯得很有意思。相比之下,我畢業論文的邏輯太簡單瞭。。還有個不同之處是我特意選不需要material interests involved的東西
評分思路清晰,論證透徹,能夠照應到經典的社運理論與經驗材料,並且開放齣瞭不少好問題。難得的是他不僅講瞭what it is, 而且很紮實地說瞭how does it work,機製分析做得很贊。瞭解中國社會運動不能錯過的書~
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