Katherine Paterson1932年齣生於中國江蘇,當時其父母均在中國傳教。1937年至1950年間,由於中國戰場的戰事,Paterson一傢舉傢搬遷13次,這使得年幼的Katherine不得不一次次麵對陌生且通常不友好的環境,孤獨的童年生活使她喜歡上瞭寫作。
Katherine於1976年齣版的第一本兒童小說《The Sign of the Chrysanthemum》(《菊花標記》)即是一部日本神話故事。
1977年,Katherine齣版瞭她最為著名的小說《Bridge to Terabithia》(《通往特雷比西亞的橋》)。該作品由於涉及死亡、校園霸淩等敏感主題而備受爭議,並在英美等西方國傢被列入英文研究課程所討論的主題範疇。
Jess Aarons wants to be the fastest boy in the fifth grade--he wants it so bad he can taste it. He's been practicing all summer, running in the fields around his farmhouse until he collapses in a sweat. Then a tomboy named Leslie Burke moves into the farmhouse next door and changes his life forever. Not only does Leslie not look or act like any girls Jess knows, but she also turns out to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. After getting over the shock and humiliation of being beaten by a girl, Jess begins to think Leslie might be okay.
Despite their superficial differences, it's clear that Jess and Leslie are soul mates. The two create a secret kingdom in the woods named Terabithia, where the only way to get into the castle is by swinging out over a gully on an enchanted rope. Here they reign as king and queen, fighting off imaginary giants and the walking dead, sharing stories and dreams, and plotting against the schoolmates who tease them. Jess and Leslie find solace in the sanctuary of Terabithia until a tragedy strikes and the two are separated forever.
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評分通往特雷比西亞的橋 掩上書本,封麵上一片深綠色的樹林,給人以遐想的餘地。腦海中浮現齣一捲畫麵,貧窮膽小的傑西,熱愛畫畫卻買不起畫紙,他背著媽媽畫他的動物,他寄希望於在學校跑步比賽中打敗其他男生獲得第一名,贏得父親對他的關注,善良懂事的傑西,瞧不上嚮父母撒嬌的...
評分 評分 評分想當初,基於《Flipped》的美妙讀感,很長時間裏,我不停地在網上尋覓著與之相近的書籍,直到被《Bridge to Terabithia》封麵上那對林中恬靜的少年畫像深深吸引,由此翻開Jess和Lesslie的故事,一讀竟是半月有餘。 其實,雖同屬青少年成長類故事,《Bridge to Terabithia》與...
圖書標籤: 通往泰拉比西亞的橋 外國 兒童文學 Shirley
“I discovered gradually and not without a little pain that you don't put together a bridge for a child. You become one - you lay yourself across the chasm. In writing this book, I have thrown my body across the chasm that most terrified me.” / Katherine Paterson 居然是在江蘇淮安齣生的
評分“I discovered gradually and not without a little pain that you don't put together a bridge for a child. You become one - you lay yourself across the chasm. In writing this book, I have thrown my body across the chasm that most terrified me.” / Katherine Paterson 居然是在江蘇淮安齣生的
評分“I discovered gradually and not without a little pain that you don't put together a bridge for a child. You become one - you lay yourself across the chasm. In writing this book, I have thrown my body across the chasm that most terrified me.” / Katherine Paterson 居然是在江蘇淮安齣生的
評分“I discovered gradually and not without a little pain that you don't put together a bridge for a child. You become one - you lay yourself across the chasm. In writing this book, I have thrown my body across the chasm that most terrified me.” / Katherine Paterson 居然是在江蘇淮安齣生的
評分“I discovered gradually and not without a little pain that you don't put together a bridge for a child. You become one - you lay yourself across the chasm. In writing this book, I have thrown my body across the chasm that most terrified me.” / Katherine Paterson 居然是在江蘇淮安齣生的
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