汤普森(Edward Palmer Thompson)1924年出生在英格兰,父亲是作家兼诗人,在印度殖民地从事过教育工作,同情印度的民族独立运动,与尼赫鲁等国大党领袖颇有私交。父母的思想对幼年汤普森很有影响;中学时期,他在一所卫斯理派私立学校读书,然后考进剑桥大学学习,这时,他加入了英国共产党。第二次世界大战爆发后,他应征入伍,先后在北非、意大利和法国作战。他的哥哥也是一名共产党员,作战很英勇,晋升到上校,后来在战争中牺牲。哥哥对他的影响很大,战后,他曾与母亲共同写了一本追念哥哥的书,题名为《一个幽灵在欧洲徘徊》。(这是《共产党宣言》中的第一句话,用在这里,是一语双关。)战争结束后他回到剑桥大学继续学业,同时也积极参加党的活动,并到南斯拉夫、保加利亚等国协助当地的战后重建工作。1956年,由于不满苏联对匈牙利问题的处理,他和其他一些历史学家如罗德尼·希尔顿、克里斯托弗·希尔等共同退出共产党,这以后,他成了独立的“马克思主义者”,主张“社会主义的人道主义”。他对政治活动一直很有兴趣,曾参与起草“1968年五一宣言”,反对工党政府实行向右转政策。70年代,他又积极投入和平主义运动,是欧洲反核运动的领导人之一。
The Making of the English Working Class 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
此书蒙多年前湘姐推荐,稍有接触。但生性懒散,迟迟未毕。近日幸为作业所迫,得以阅毕。间有不解,复览而明。 想我国朝新时代之工人阶级渐次形成,蚁族工蜂、白领蓝翔,不绝于耳;血泪呼号,不减英伦。二十年目睹之怪现状,不禁掩卷为之恻然耳。 公元两千零一十一年十月夜,记...
评分图书标签: 英国 社会学 社会史 工人阶级 历史 历史学 Thompson_E_P History
"Thompson's book has been called controversial, but perhaps only because so many have forgotten how explosive England was during the Regency and the early reign of Victoria. Without any reservation, The Making of the English Working Class is the most important study of those days since the classic work of the Hammonds."-- Commentary
"Mr. Thompson's deeply human imagination and controlled passion help us to recapture the agonies, heroisms and illusions of the working class as it made itself. No one interested in the history of the English people should fail to read his book."--London Times Literary Supplement
Class is a historical phenomenon & a historical relationship, which must always be embodied in real people and in a real context.
评分Class is a historical phenomenon & a historical relationship, which must always be embodied in real people and in a real context.
评分parts of it. Joan Scott's critique is so on point.
评分By class, I mean a historical phenomenon, not a structure/a category, but something which happens in human historical relationships. Class happens when some men as a result of common experience feel and articulate the identity of their interests as between themselves and as against other men whose interests are different from/opposed to theirs. M
The Making of the English Working Class 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书