羅賓·鄧巴(Robin Dunbar),進化心理學傢,牛津大學教授,莫德林學院研究員。他的主要研究領域是「社會遺傳學」。 已經齣版的圖書包括《科學的煩惱》(TheTrouble with Science),《梳毛、八卦及語言的進化》(GROOMING GOSSIP AND the EvolutionofLanguage)和《人類的故事》(The Human Story),《你需要多少朋友》(How Many Friends does one Person Need?)。他的作品被媒體譽為「帶著最新研究和新成果的熱氣」,「強勁有力,且發人深省」。
What a big brain we have for all the small talk we make. It's an evolutionary riddle that at long last makes sense in this intriguing book about what gossip has done for our talkative species. Psychologist Robin Dunbar looks at gossip as an instrument of social order and cohesion--much like the endless grooming with which our primate cousins tend to their social relationships. Apes and monkeys, humanity's closest kin, differ from other animals in the intensity of these relationships. All their grooming is not so much about hygiene as it is about cementing bonds, making friends, and influencing fellow primates. But for early humans, grooming as a way to social success posed a problem: given their large social groups of 150 or so, our earliest ancestors would have had to spend almost half their time grooming one another--an impossible burden. What Dunbar suggests--and his research, whether in the realm of primatology or in that of gossip, confirms--is that humans developed language to serve the same purpose, but far more efficiently. It seems there is nothing idle about chatter, which holds together a diverse, dynamic group--whether of hunter-gatherers, soldiers, or workmates. Anthropologists have long assumed that language developed in relationships among males during activities such as hunting. Dunbar's original and extremely interesting studies suggest otherwise: that language in fact evolved in response to our need to keep up to date with friends and family. We needed conversation to stay in touch, and we still need it in ways that will not be satisfied by teleconferencing, email, or any other communication technology. As Dunbar shows, the impersonal world of cyberspace will not fulfill our primordial need for face-to-face contact. From the nit-picking of chimpanzees to our chats at coffee break, from neuroscience to paleoanthropology, "Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language" offers a provocative view of what makes us human, what holds us together, and what sets us apart.
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牛津教授鄧巴在這本書裏提齣瞭一個驚世駭俗的觀點——人類的語言和大猩猩的梳毛,其實沒有什麼區彆! 原來,梳毛能産生放鬆感和快感,讓大腦産生“鴉片物質”,因此梳毛成瞭猩猩深化友誼的社交通行證;而八卦和梳毛相同的地方在於——八卦其實也能讓人腦産生類似的愉悅物質,拉...
評分文/桃酥 羅賓·鄧巴在《梳毛、八卦及語言的進化》一書中追溯瞭人類的原始祖先如何一步步從梳毛演變成語言的,鄧巴尤其提到女性在語言的進化過程中,起到瞭非常大的推動作用。因為梳毛,因為小團體的八卦,因為群體生活,語言代替瞭猴子之類的梳毛,進化成新的八卦工具。 鄧巴通...
評分 評分去年讀過的一本小書,記瞭些隨想在日記裏,今日翻齣來一看,不如記在豆瓣,可以隨時溫習。如下: 1、015頁,作者羅賓鄧巴追溯人類的遠古祖先,是母女們手接著手,一代接一代連接在一起,長度不超過300英裏,就能溯迴到人類的祖先“夏娃”。 為什麼是母女們手拉著手站在一起,在...
圖書標籤: 人類學 心理學 進化 語言學 語言 科普 非小說類 傳播
The first half of the pages bears informative interesting descriptions and analysis of grooming behaviours among some primates, which lays..
評分The first half of the pages bears informative interesting descriptions and analysis of grooming behaviours among some primates, which lays..
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