Mark Edward Lewis is Kwoh-Ting Li Professor in Chinese Culture at Stanford University.
The Early Chinese Empires 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
2019.11.17 1.统一。原因:人才流动使秦国人有了统一天下的抱负。但事实上七国并没有形成统一的思想定位。 2.皇帝。神话自己。 3.由国家操控的、巩固帝国存在的文学经典。 4.帝国内部的去军事化。分封变成郡县制 5.世家大族的兴旺。国家抑制世家大族,但经济政策和赋税政策却使...
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评分从小到大接触历史,无论是自发读书还是被迫学习,对这一时期的基本史实早已经烂熟于心。所以读历史类的书籍期望无非两种:要么希望读到新的观点,要么深挖旧有想法——后者早已腻歪,因此能有新的观点,我便认为是好书。哈佛中国史,至少这一本,符合我的期待。 本书是如解剖一...
评分图书标签: 秦汉史 海外中国研究 历史 中国史 中国历史 英文原版 海外汉学 历史学
In 221 B.C., the First Emperor of Qin unified the lands that would become the heart of a Chinese empire. Though forged by conquest, this vast domain depended for its political survival on a fundamental reshaping of Chinese culture. With this informative book, we are present at the creation of an ancient imperial order whose major features would endure for two millennia. The Qin and Han constitute the "classical period" of Chinese history - a role played by the Greeks and Romans in the West. Mark Edward Lewis highlights the key challenges faced by the court officials and scholars who set about governing an empire of such scale and diversity of peoples. He traces the drastic measures taken to transcend, without eliminating, these regional differences: the invention of the emperor as the divine embodiment of the state; the establishment of a common script for communication and a state-sponsored canon for the propagation of Confucian ideals; the flourishing of the great families, whose domination of local society rested on wealth, landholding, and elaborate kinship structures; the demilitarization of the interior; and the impact of non-Chinese warrior-nomads in setting the boundaries of an emerging Chinese identity. The first of a six-volume series on the history of imperial China, "The Early Chinese Empires" illuminates many formative events in China's long history of imperialism - events whose residual influence can still be discerned today.
评分作为一部篇幅有限的通史,鲁威仪没有拘泥于历史进程为纲的写法,除了首三章分别介绍秦汉地理、秦国体制和汉代扬弃,最后一章侧重东汉的失控外,其余部分关注多是秦汉社会结构和思想文化。作者将秦汉视为中国的"classical era",在导论里就开章明义地表述了所谓古典时代的五个特征。一方面,秦汉首次初步建立起全国的秩序,作者努力体现出帝国维持国家统一的持之以恒努力,无论是地方的去军事化,边境对异族的打击与羁縻,还是对思想学说的统一。然而,东汉最终亡于对边境乱局的疲于应对和国内社会控制的削弱。另一方面,作者强调秦汉早期色彩,包括未成形的宗教观,法律的宗教残余,和国家建设中对囚徒的剥削。本书避开了一般通史写作路数,但也使全书无法反应秦汉四百年的动态变化,不少结论绝对化。可参考《新史学》23卷2期书评。
The Early Chinese Empires 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书