William T. Rowe is John and Diane Cooke Professor of Chinese History at Johns Hopkins University
China's Last Empire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
整体上是一本海外汉学家关于清朝的综述,对于熟稔清史的人来说可能没有新意,但是对我收获很多。 写作视角上弱化政治军事,侧重从社会生活入手。其中还不乏和现在传统史观相比“颠覆”的观点,从经济,官僚选任角度分析清朝治理偏向“小政府”,中央在治理地方的时候下放一部分...
评分不要被书名吓到,其实是并不长的一本书。大概是文化传统差异,中国人写历史喜欢饱含情感的以人物和事件为线索一条条写下来。外国人写中国历史或许因为其理性思维,或许是因为旁观者的立场,更像是手术刀式的解剖,俯瞰,注重功能和细节。举几个有意思的点: 其一,作者认为17.18...
评分开门见山,我发现了几个很有意思的点。 首先是“清朝自己也参与了帝国主义竞赛,而且至少在18世纪末前非常成功。在西方,历史学者已不再将中国描写成受害者或者一个特例,而是众多在大致上相同时期之亚欧大陆兴起的数个近代早期帝国之一”。毋庸置疑的,清朝奠定了近现代中国的...
评分不要被书名吓到,其实是并不长的一本书。大概是文化传统差异,中国人写历史喜欢饱含情感的以人物和事件为线索一条条写下来。外国人写中国历史或许因为其理性思维,或许是因为旁观者的立场,更像是手术刀式的解剖,俯瞰,注重功能和细节。举几个有意思的点: 其一,作者认为17.18...
图书标签: 海外中国研究 清史 历史 新清史 Rowe_William_T 近代史 晚清 明清史
In a brisk revisionist history, William Rowe challenges the standard narrative of Qing China as a decadent, inward-looking state that failed to keep pace with the modern West.
The Great Qing was the second major Chinese empire ruled by foreigners. Three strong Manchu emperors worked diligently to secure an alliance with the conquered Ming gentry, though many of their social edicts—especially the requirement that ethnic Han men wear queues—were fiercely resisted. As advocates of a “universal” empire, Qing rulers also achieved an enormous expansion of the Chinese realm over the course of three centuries, including the conquest and incorporation of Turkic and Tibetan peoples in the west, vast migration into the southwest, and the colonization of Taiwan.
Despite this geographic range and the accompanying social and economic complexity, the Qing ideal of “small government” worked well when outside threats were minimal. But the nineteenth-century Opium Wars forced China to become a player in a predatory international contest involving Western powers, while the devastating uprisings of the Taiping and Boxer rebellions signaled an urgent need for internal reform. Comprehensive state-mandated changes during the early twentieth century were not enough to hold back the nationalist tide of 1911, but they provided a new foundation for the Republican and Communist states that would follow.
This original, thought-provoking history of China’s last empire is a must-read for understanding the challenges facing China today.
China's Last Empire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书