迪特•库恩(Dieter Kuhn),1946年生,先后在英国剑桥大学、德国海德堡大学东亚艺术史研究所和柏林大学工作与任教。德国著名汉学家,专精宋史,尤为擅长物质文化史与科技史。现任维尔茨堡大学汉学系教授。著有“哈佛中国史”丛书第4卷《儒家统治的时代:宋的转型》《中国丝麻纺织技术史》《地位和礼仪:从远古代到公元十世纪贵族的中国》等。
The Age of Confucian Rule 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/吴情 这篇评论文章的题目略有些歧义,容易让人误以为是留学机构的招生广告,以名校为噱头,实际上,它涉及的是两套海外中国研究著作:剑桥中国史(Cambridge History of China)和哈佛帝制中国史(History of Imperial China)。前者由美国著名“中国通”费正清教授主编、...
评分说实话,自己读的历史不多,要写书评,感觉自己都要被笑死了,不过就目前而言,写书评倒只是督促自己努力认真读书一种方式,下面这些也只是简单读此书的一些感受记录罢了。 整体的感觉,确实与我们学习的历史大大不相同。当然,我这么比较,感觉像在贬损这套书了,哈哈,以前上...
评分 评分 评分图书标签: 海外中国研究 历史 英文原版 海外汉学 宋史 宋 宋史研究 Kuhn_Dieter
Just over a thousand years ago, the Song dynasty emerged as the most advanced civilization on earth. Within two centuries, China was home to nearly half of all humankind. In this concise history, we learn why the inventiveness of this era has been favorably compared with the European Renaissance, which in many ways the Song transformation surpassed.
With the chaotic dissolution of the Tang dynasty, the old aristocratic families vanished. A new class of scholar-officials—products of a meritocratic examination system—took up the task of reshaping Chinese tradition by adapting the precepts of Confucianism to a rapidly changing world. Through fiscal reforms, these elites liberalized the economy, eased the tax burden, and put paper money into circulation. Their redesigned capitals buzzed with traders, while the education system offered advancement to talented men of modest means. Their rationalist approach led to inventions in printing, shipbuilding, weaving, ceramics manufacture, mining, and agriculture. With a realist’s eye, they studied the natural world and applied their observations in art and science. And with the souls of diplomats, they chose peace over war with the aggressors on their borders. Yet persistent military threats from these nomadic tribes—which the Chinese scorned as their cultural inferiors—redefined China’s understanding of its place in the world and solidified a sense of what it meant to be Chinese.
The Age of Confucian Rule is an essential introduction to this transformative era. “A scholar should congratulate himself that he has been born in such a time” (Zhao Ruyu, 1194).
A Time of Turmoil
Model Rulers
Reforming into Collapse
The Song in the South
Three Doctrines
Education and Examination
Life Cycle Rituals
Exploring the World Within and Without
Transforming the Capitals
A Changing World of Production
Money and Taxes
Private Lives in the Public Sphere
Dynastic Rulers
Pronunciation Guide
The Age of Confucian Rule 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书