伊沛霞(Patricia Ebrey),美國華盛頓大學教授。1985-1997年任伊利諾斯大學曆史係教授,1997年至今教於華盛頓大學曆史係。1993年齣版《內闈》(英文版),是海外中國女女史開山之作。她的興趣主要在婦女、傢族和社會等方麵,其重要文章於2002年結集齣版,題為《中國曆史上的婦女和傢族》。但是,她的研究範圍遠遠不限於此,其涉獵之廣可以從以下著述跨越的年代和領域得到證明:《3-7世紀中國領域的重建》(與人閤編)、《劍橋中國插圖史》、《中國曆史手冊》、《唐宋時期的宗教與社會》(與人閤編)、《中華帝國的儒傢思想和傢族禮儀:關於禮儀著述的社會史研究》、《中國社會的婚姻和不平等》(與人閤編)、《傢禮》(譯著)、《晚期中華帝國的傢族組織:1000-1940年》、《早期中華帝國的貴族傢庭:博陵崔氏個案研究》。最近她的研究興趣集中在宋徽宗。
The Sung Dynasty (960-1279) was a paradoxical era for Chinese women. This was a time when footbinding spread, and Confucian scholars began to insist that it was better for a widow to starve than to remarry. Yet there were also improvements in women's status in marriage and property rights. In this thoroughly original work, one of the most respected scholars of premodern China brings to life what it was like to be a woman in Sung times, from having a marriage arranged, serving parents-in-law, rearing children, and coping with concubines, to deciding what to do if widowed. Focusing on marriage, Patricia Buckley Ebrey views family life from the perspective of women. She argues that the ideas, attitudes, and practices that constituted marriage shaped women's lives, providing the context in which they could interpret the opportunities open to them, negotiate their relationships with others, and accommodate or resist those around them. Ebrey questions whether women's situations actually deteriorated in the Sung, linking their experiences to widespread social, political, economic, and cultural changes of this period. She draws from advice books, biographies, government documents, and medical treatises to show that although the family continued to be patrilineal and patriarchal, women found ways to exert their power and authority. No other book explores the history of women in pre-twentieth-century China with such energy and depth.
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藉他人眼光獲得自知之明 外國學者的角度獨特 分析統計方法也很特彆 關鍵是她引用的數據事例雖然瑣碎細微卻很有意思 你能在一些不被人注意發現的地方 找到共性 將女性史和女性自我認知發展的零散片段匯在腦海裏 加上無數的問號——為何那些有違女性利益的習俗和變化能輕而易舉地...
評分《內闈:宋代的婚姻與婦女生活》讀後 這本書的作者伊沛霞從大量豐富的史料入手:特彆是上百份的墓誌銘,宋朝的文學傢的作品,詩文等。通過統計分析,揭示瞭有宋一朝婚姻關係的本質,即:男婚女嫁並非男女之間,而是女性與一個傢族之間發生的關係轉變。通過婚姻,一個...
評分 評分《內闈:宋代的婚姻與婦女生活》讀後 這本書的作者伊沛霞從大量豐富的史料入手:特彆是上百份的墓誌銘,宋朝的文學傢的作品,詩文等。通過統計分析,揭示瞭有宋一朝婚姻關係的本質,即:男婚女嫁並非男女之間,而是女性與一個傢族之間發生的關係轉變。通過婚姻,一個...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 西方中國婦女史研究 宋 性別 列文森中國研究書籍奬 曆史 原文譯著對比 過眼
評分去看hymes對這本書的30多頁的書評。點到瞭文化史的病根上,是目前看到的最犀利的一篇批評。 (1997). "Review of The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, by Patricia Buckley Ebrey." HJAS 57(1): 229-61.
評分去看hymes對這本書的30多頁的書評。點到瞭文化史的病根上,是目前看到的最犀利的一篇批評。 (1997). "Review of The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, by Patricia Buckley Ebrey." HJAS 57(1): 229-61.
評分去看hymes對這本書的30多頁的書評。點到瞭文化史的病根上,是目前看到的最犀利的一篇批評。 (1997). "Review of The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, by Patricia Buckley Ebrey." HJAS 57(1): 229-61.
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