Hesiod describes himself as a Boeotian shepherd who heard the Muses call upon him to sing about the gods. His exact dates are unknown, but he has often been considered a younger contemporary of Homer.
Hesiod describes himself as a Boeotian shepherd who heard the Muses call upon him to sing about the gods. His exact dates are unknown, but he has often been considered a younger contemporary of Homer. This volume of the new Loeb Classical Library edition offers a general introduction, a fluid translation facing an improved Greek text of Hesiod's two extant poems, and a generous selection of testimonia from a wide variety of ancient sources regarding Hesiod's life, works, and reception.
In Theogony Hesiod charts the history of the divine world, narrating the origin of the universe and the rise of the gods, from first beginnings to the triumph of Zeus, and reporting on the progeny of Zeus and of goddesses in union with mortal men. In Works and Days Hesiod shifts his attention to the world of men, delivering moral precepts and practical advice regarding agriculture, navigation, and many other matters; along the way he gives us the myths of Pandora and of the Golden, Silver, and other Races of Men.
Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
古希臘神話世係 一.創世 1.卡俄斯 (1)蓋亞:大地女神 (2)塔爾塔洛斯:地獄深淵神 (3)厄瑞波斯:黑暗神 (4)尼剋斯:黑夜女神 (5)厄洛斯:愛神 2.厄瑞波斯+尼剋斯 (1)埃忒耳:太空之神 (2)赫莫拉:白晝之神 (3)卡戎:冥河渡神 3.尼剋斯 (1)摩洛斯:劫數之神 ...
評分赫西俄德是荷馬之後古希臘最早的詩人,以長詩《工作與時日》和《神譜》聞名於世。 《工作與時日》【作為前8世紀唯一的文學作品,是西方曆史上第一部現實主義作品】包括5個部分: 1、獻給繆斯,贊頌宙斯萬能。 2、勸導人們要勤奮工作。一開始用瞭兩個不和女神的比喻,兩個“不和...
評分聲明:該評論摘抄自本人論文,有需要引用任何觀點章節者,請事先聯係) 我們說到古希臘的文學,一切都要從荷馬開始。 盡管對於荷馬的身份,學界還有不同的看法,一種得到相當認同的看法是:荷馬並非某個人的名字,而是盲人歌手的特彆稱號。但我還是傾嚮於認為,荷馬是整理、統閤...
評分從詞藻入手,從社政分析,能親近幾許赫西俄德自我圓滿的神話境地? 注釋建立在赫西俄德具有嚴謹邏輯的前提下,即使命運三女神認瞭兩次爹,如果沒有瞭前提,那注釋的意義? 不如掉頭從自然科學的角度來讀神話,既然提豐已經是颱風(龍捲風),那其他的神仙就眉目鮮活瞭,bbc和...
圖書標籤: 希臘 Hesiod 古希臘 神話 古典學 詩歌 文學 Loeb
Classical mythology class reading但是真的很難受因為生詞和神的名字導緻閱讀速度很慢,很難直接感受到那種美。看完後找瞭中文版發現自己忽略瞭許多隱喻。
評分Classical mythology class reading但是真的很難受因為生詞和神的名字導緻閱讀速度很慢,很難直接感受到那種美。看完後找瞭中文版發現自己忽略瞭許多隱喻。
評分not fully appreciated
評分Classical mythology class reading但是真的很難受因為生詞和神的名字導緻閱讀速度很慢,很難直接感受到那種美。看完後找瞭中文版發現自己忽略瞭許多隱喻。
Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載