David Harvey is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the City University of New York Graduate School. His course on Marx's Capital, developed with students over thirty years, has been downloaded by over two million people. His book The Enigma of Capital (9781846683091) was published by Profile and has been translated into twelve languages.
Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一. 危机 1.如马克思所言,全球危机一直是“资本主义经济所有矛盾的真正集中和强制调整”.危机是资本主义再造所必要的,人们在危机中更新升级资本主义。这种升级和更新不仅体现在物质景观的变化,如小区的改造,工厂的翻新,大楼的修建上,更体现在思维方式,制度与意识形态,...
评分一本左翼经济学书的几点启示 迄今为止读过的经济学书大多是偏右翼偏自由主义的,毕竟大概百分之九十五的经济学家都是偏右的吧,当代还坚持马克思主义左翼经济学的可谓凤毛麟角,绝对算不得主流。但是长期听一个声音也未免担心自己有失偏颇,就算是为了开拓视野,也该知...
图书标签: 资本主义 社会学 英文原版 经济学-政治经济 经济学 經濟學 社會學 新书记
You thought capitalism was permanent? Think again.
David Harvey unravels the contradictions at the heart of capitalism - its drive, for example, to accumulate capital beyond the means of investing it, its imperative to use the cheapest methods of production that leads to consumers with no means of consumption, and its compulsion to exploit nature to the point of extinction. These are the tensions which underpin the persistence of mass unemployment, the downward spirals of Europe and Japan, and the unstable lurches forward of China and India.
Not that the contradictions of capital are all bad: they can lead to the innovations that make capitalism resilient and, it seems, permanent. Yet appearances can deceive: while many of capital's contradictions can be managed, others will be fatal to our society. This new book is both an incisive guide to the world around us and a manifesto for change.
Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书