After discovering that game designers have more fun, Scott Rogers embarked on a 20-year-(and counting) career in video games. He has helped design many successful video games including: Pac-Man World, the Maximo series, God of War, Drawn to Life series and Darksiders. Scott is currently an imaginer for Walt Disney Imagineering and lives just outside Los Angeles with his lovely wife, two children and many, many action figures, comic books, video and board games.
Want to design your own video games? Let expert Scott Rogers show you how!
If you want to design and build cutting-edge video games but aren’t sure where to start, then the SECOND EDITION of the acclaimed Level Up! is for you! Written by leading video game expert Scott Rogers, who has designed the hits Pac Man World, Maximo and SpongeBob Squarepants, this updated edition provides clear and well-thought out examples that forgo theoretical gobbledygook with charmingly illustrated concepts and solutions based on years of professional experience.
Level Up! 2nd Edition has been NEWLY EXPANDED to teach you how to develop marketable ideas, learn what perils and pitfalls await during a game’s pre-production, production and post-production stages, and provide even more creative ideas to serve as fuel for your own projects including:
Developing your game design from the spark of inspiration all the way to production
Learning how to design the most exciting levels, the most precise controls, and the fiercest foes that will keep your players challenged
Creating games for mobile and console systems – including detailed rules for touch and motion controls
Monetizing your game from the design up
Writing effective and professional design documents with the help of brand new examples
Level Up! 2nd Edition is includes all-new content, an introduction by David “God of War” Jaffe and even a brand-new chili recipe –making it an even more indispensable guide for video game designers both “in the field” and the classroom.
Grab your copy of Level Up! 2nd Edition and let’s make a game!
Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
好書,大道至簡!作者能深入淺齣,闡述遊戲設計之道! 亮點: 1. 3C的基礎設定概念,印象深刻。 2. 以有趣圖示遊戲中機關設定。 3. GDD的一頁、十頁範本。 4. 推薦對照英文原版的pdf看,收獲更大,沒有的話可聯係我。
評分好多內容都明白,但像這樣綜閤在一起齣奇不意地呈現齣來,卻還真是第一次,呈現作者的功力和經驗,話說,年頭長就是好啊。 呐,有多少遊戲都死在策劃上,不比死在美工和開發的手裏更少吧。再說瞭,冷飯炒得有水平,也不見得就比憑空織造的差多少。所以,還是重新看看香辣醬吧。
評分推薦程度:5星 內容質量:4星 會畫畫還會講故事的策劃寫的書真的好看 先看一段采訪: 圖靈社區:一個遊戲設計方麵的菜鳥怎麼成長成大師的?有哪些他們必須經過的關卡? Scott:沒錯,你必須不斷打怪升級,最後打敗最終boss(笑)!我不知道我是否可以被稱為大師,但是我可以告...
評分從遊戲設計這個專業(在歐美如此發達的遊戲産業,遊戲設計/策劃應該已成為一門專業,有其專門的理論研究)角度看,這本書更多的是教你【如何從事遊戲設計這門職業】,而且是【在大公司流水綫上設計AAA遊戲】,而不是【如何設計齣一款好玩的遊戲】。 作者不愧是遊戲業的資深從...
評分主要主機、3A類遊戲,對國內的手遊、棋牌遊戲的開發者不太有藉鑒意義。 但本身書還是很有趣的,藉用一位豆友說的“是一部素材庫”,翻譯得也很走心。 作者是一位很有經驗的遊戲開發者,但書中所講述的內容還是很寬泛,跨度太大,裏麵單獨一個模塊拎齣來都可以齣一本書。同比另...
圖書標籤: 遊戲設計 遊戲 設計 GameDesign 遊戲開發 軟件開發 計算機 開發
Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載