Jake Knapp created the Google Ventures sprint process and has run more than a hundred sprints with startups such as 23andme, Slack, Nest, and Foundation Medicine. Previously, Jake worked at Google, leading sprints for everything from Gmail to Google X. He is currently among the world’s tallest designers.
John Zeratsky has designed mobile apps, medical reports, and a daily newspaper (among other things). Before joining Google Ventures, he was a design lead at YouTube and an early employee of FeedBurner, which Google acquired in 2007. John writes about design and productivity for Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and Wired. He studied journalism at the University of Wisconsin.
Braden Kowitz founded the Google Ventures design team in 2009 and pioneered the role of “design partner” at a venture capital firm. He has advised close to two hundred startups on product design, hiring, and team culture. Before joining Google Ventures, Braden led design for several Google products, including Gmail, Google Apps for Business, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Trends.
Sprint 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最近这几个月正好在做一个research,做了一段时间之后推进不下去,意识到自己遇到了瓶颈:发现了一个问题或者需求点,可如何将它转化成一个产品或者服务,进而能产生收益创造价值,却成了新的难题。 所以我决定暂且放下手中的事情,反思了一下:对问题的深入思考是不是足够,是...
评分“他们能够飞起来靠的不是运气,是努力和常识。我想知道,如果我们所有人都能像莱特兄弟这样,执着于理想,全身心投入,世界会是什么样!”——摘自《设计冲刺》 说前不久,在微信读书悄咪咪偷师到清华X-lab的陶峰老师在读《设计冲刺》,简单翻阅,觉得不错,便加入书架,以备...
评分从团队实践和作业角度,利用案例梳理5天设计冲刺的流程,实操性强。不过在国内有一些现实问题,毕竟区域商业环境和模型建立(尤其是产品)效率有差异,另外,大部分公司决策者比较难在此类流程中做全身心投入。 作为广告营销从业者,也希望更多跳脱出甲乙方关系链,真正以帮助...
评分“他们能够飞起来靠的不是运气,是努力和常识。我想知道,如果我们所有人都能像莱特兄弟这样,执着于理想,全身心投入,世界会是什么样!”——摘自《设计冲刺》 说前不久,在微信读书悄咪咪偷师到清华X-lab的陶峰老师在读《设计冲刺》,简单翻阅,觉得不错,便加入书架,以备...
评分人的潜能究竟有多大?前苏联学者伊凡•叶夫莫雷夫指出:“人的潜力之大令人震惊。我们迫使大脑开足一半马力,我们能毫不费力地学会40种语言,把苏联百科全书从头到尾背下,完成几十个大学的课程。”一个团队的潜能有多大?众人拾柴火焰高,星星之火可以燎原。 2014年9月,国...
图书标签: 设计 商业 思维 设计理论 谷歌 prototype 互联网 英文原版
“Every business leader I know worries about the same thing: Are we moving fast enough? The genius of Jake Knapp’s Sprint is its step-by-step breakdown of what it takes to solve big problems and do work that matters with speed and urgency. A sprint is a cure for what ails companies in an ever faster world.”—Beth Comstock, vice chair of GE
"The key to success, often, is building the right habits. But which habits work best? Sprint offers powerful methods for hatching ideas, solving problems, testing solutions—and finding those small, correct habits that make all the right behaviors fall in place." – Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit
"To quote one of my colleagues, “don’t get ready, get started”. Through hard won experience Jake Knapp and the team at Google Ventures have refined an efficient, hands-on approach to solving your product, service and experience design challenges. Try the book and try a Sprint." – Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO and author of Change By Design
"Read this book and do what it says if you want to build better products faster." – Ev Williams, founder of Medium, Blogger, and Twitter
super practical
评分Google Venture 之 Design Sprint China
评分读书应该读契合自己状态的, 这本书有点面向创业者的,感觉其中内容离自己有点远,无法感同身受。
评分首先定义设计冲刺(Sprint):一周内制定目标、敲定方案、做出产品、完成测试的高效流程。完整的流程根据书本目录,可以分为五天: 第一天:以结果导向制定长期目标,将遇到的挑战细化为前进地图,请专家分享见解,将最重要的部分抽取为单周目标用行动落实。 第二天:对现有想法重组改进为多种解决方案,用简图归纳分类。 第三天:评测解决方案简图,决策出最符合长期目标的方案,将方案放在场景下开始计划模型。 第四天:终于从思考落实为行动,将场景、方案串联起来,内部沟通,搭建产品模型。 第五天:选取客户测试产品,收集反馈,吸取教训。
评分super practical
Sprint 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书