Michael W. Jennings is Class of 1900 Professor of Modern Languages at Princeton University.
One-Way Street is a thoroughfare unlike anything else in literature--by turns exhilarating and bewildering, requiring mental agility and a special kind of urban literacy. Presented here in a new edition with expanded notes, this genre-defying meditation on the semiotics of late-1920s Weimar culture offers a fresh opportunity to encounter Walter Benjamin at his most virtuosic and experimental, writing in a vein that anticipates later masterpieces such as "On the Concept of History" and The Arcades Project.
Composed of sixty short prose pieces that vary wildly in style and theme, One-Way Street evokes a dense cityscape of shops, cafes, and apartments, alive with the hubbub of social interactions and papered over with public inscriptions of all kinds: advertisements, signs, posters, slogans. Benjamin avoids all semblance of linear narrative, enticing readers with a seemingly random sequence of aphorisms, reminiscences, jokes, off-the-cuff observations, dreamlike fantasias, serious philosophical inquiries, apparently unserious philosophical parodies, and trenchant political commentaries. Providing remarkable insight into the occluded meanings of everyday things, Benjamin time and again proves himself the unrivalled interpreter of what he called "the soul of the commodity."
Despite the diversity of its individual sections, Benjamin's text is far from formless. Drawing on the avant-garde aesthetics of Dada, Constructivism, and Surrealism, its unusual construction implies a practice of reading that cannot be reduced to simple formulas. Still refractory, still radical, One-Way Street is a work in perpetual progress.
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就用這樣一個題目換得點擊率吧。 我不能否認這樣的事實:我是因為看到書的後麵那段關於書與妓女的闡述纔藉齣這本書的。最初,我不掩飾自己的失望,哪有什麼妓女,哪有什麼妓女和書。後來在書中的某一頁,我看到瞭這段話,姑且相信編者的用意無非是吸引讀者。所以,你看到瞭我用...
評分這條路/叫阿西婭拉西斯街/是她作為工程師/使這條街整個地穿過瞭作者 《單行道》的題記。還能說什麼呢?這是世界上最好聽的話。 本雅明有一些浪漫主義,智慧,但同時又很執拗,我猜他是土象或者風象。搜到他的齣生日期是1892年7月15日。那就是巨蟹座,水象。 “...
評分稀裏糊塗之間走進瞭Benjamin的單行道,因為一個知名書店的名字。 書的封麵還看得過去,有時候照片遠比那些彩色的幾何圖形齣彩,它所包含的豐富的信息是那些簡單抽象的幾何圖形所不能替代的。封底關於書籍和妓女的類比確實很精彩,但是否不太大眾?不不是每個人都喜歡這種下半...
評分太可怕瞭。 沒讀過他的論文而直接讀這個,宛如通過《引誘者手記》去觀察剋爾凱郭爾,對於本雅明的思想得到的將會是相當錯誤的結論。 不過大多數人其實並不在乎這個……我是說,他們無所謂自己讀到的是否真實。
圖書標籤: 本雅明 德國 哲學 英文 方法論 待閱 好東西啊啊啊 名字
讀得非常艱難,有時候一句話要差不多來迴看三遍纔隻能理解句麵意思。不過和有趣的思想過招非常過癮,雖然身陷碎片化的符號和夢境的密林,毫無還手之力。。anyway,要開始讀Adorno的minima moralia瞭!
評分讀得非常艱難,有時候一句話要差不多來迴看三遍纔隻能理解句麵意思。不過和有趣的思想過招非常過癮,雖然身陷碎片化的符號和夢境的密林,毫無還手之力。。anyway,要開始讀Adorno的minima moralia瞭!
評分with C. Davidson
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