Roseann Lake is The Economist's Cuba correspondent. She was previously based in Beijing, where she worked for five years as a television reporter and journalist. Her China coverage has appeared in Foreign Policy, Time, The Atlantic, Salon, and Vice, among others. She lives between New York City and Havana.
Factory Girls meets The Vagina Monologues in this fascinating narrative on China's single women—and why they could be the source of its economic future.
Forty years ago, China enacted the one-child policy, only recently relaxed. Among many other unintended consequences, it resulted in both an enormous gender imbalance—with a predicted twenty million more men than women of marriage age by 2020—and China's first generations of only-daughters. Given the resources normally reserved for boys, these girls were pushed to study, excel in college, and succeed in careers, as if they were sons.
Now living in an economic powerhouse, enough of these women have decided to postpone marriage—or not marry at all—to spawn a label: "leftovers." Unprecedentedly well-educated and goal-oriented, they struggle to find partners in a society where gender roles have not evolved as vigorously as society itself, and where new professional opportunities have made women less willing to compromise their careers or concede to marriage for the sake of being wed. Further complicating their search for a mate, the vast majority of China's single men reside in and are tied to the rural areas where they were raised. This makes them geographically, economically, and educationally incompatible with city-dwelling 「leftovers,」 who also face difficulty in partnering with urban men, given the urban men's general preference for more dutiful, domesticated wives.
Part critique of China's paternalistic ideals, part playful portrait of the romantic travails of China's trailblazing women and their well-meaning parents who are anxious to see their daughters snuggled into traditional wedlock, Roseann Lake's Leftover in China focuses on the lives of four individual women against a backdrop of colorful anecdotes, hundreds of interviews, and rigorous historical and demographic research to show how these "leftovers" are the linchpin to China's future.
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評分整本書的內容不算長,但是仍舊值得一讀。 可能因為恰巧我也在社交的這個領域中,也可能因為我也一直在思考中國的單身問題,或者是因為也想迫切的通過其他的視角或者內容多瞭解些,因為把書匆匆讀瞭一遍。 一個更加國際化的視角來看待中國社會中的一個問題,有時比身處其中的我...
評分2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ ????No.4《單身時代》 作者是一位來自美國的記者——玫瑰,雖說不該有什麼刻闆印象,或是對一個事物的先入為主。但單單“玫瑰”這兩個字,就讓我對這本書有瞭一個不太好的印象。加之它的封麵,總給我一種初中非主流時期QQ空間的感覺。 而...
評分" 萊剋在曆史中穿行。1949年,中國有75%的婦女都是文盲。今天,中國是世界女性文盲比例最低的國傢之一——也是白手起傢的女億萬富翁比例最高的國傢。她解釋說,嚴格的獨生子女政策意味著傢庭要把資源都傾注在他們唯一的孩子身上,即使是個女孩(還得逃過選擇性彆的墮胎)。這些...
評分“剩女”睏境 最近幾年,單身好像成為一種“罪過”。每逢節日,單身者總是受到來自社會各界的“關心”,尤其是那些大城市的適婚女性,同學朋友聚會上被問長問短,傢中父母又安排相親,打開電視也能看到爆火的相親節目《非誠勿擾》,就連齣去散步,公園裏到處都是“相親角”,簡...
圖書標籤: 女性 中國 英文原版 社會學 紀實 社會 性別研究 文化
Whether that means being able to decide where or what to study, whom, when, or if to marry, whether or not to have children, or how to best define and achieve that ever-elusive ideal of “having it all,” the population of women taking bolder steps to map out more fulfilling lives is expanding. So must the conversation.
評分還挺不錯的 書透過剩女這個現象探討瞭很多很廣的社會問題 還橫嚮比較瞭亞洲其他國傢的生育率低下和女性地位的問題
評分一個美國人對中國“適婚”年齡女性群體所麵臨的睏境的觀察和思考 值得一讀
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