Anthony Giddens is the former director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Life Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge, and a member of the House of Lords, UK. He is a very influential sociologist and social theorist, and his many books include The Third Way and The Consequences of Modernity.
Philip W. Sutton is an independent researcher formerly of the University of Leeds and Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
Essential Concepts in Sociology (2nd Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
【作者按】:以下文字,是附在书后的译后记,对本书的翻译过程和曲折经历,做了一些基本情况交待,供读者批评及参考。 于我而言,翻译是一件“刚刚好”的工作。憋论文,需绞尽脑汁、坐立不安,开足CPU马力,散热风扇开到最大,满负荷运转,才能输出片言只语,坚持半天,换来的...
评分 评分读此书的诀窍:观其大义。 著作等身的吉登斯,特别注重在时空中解剖某一概念,然后介绍了最新的学术研究,让我们有很强烈的“前沿感”。经典呵。 我们要注意到,对“操作定义”的用词与行文越简单明了越好,便于更多的学者或大众来讨论。把事实和观念说清楚。 因为原词是照英文...
评分 评分读此书的诀窍:观其大义。 著作等身的吉登斯,特别注重在时空中解剖某一概念,然后介绍了最新的学术研究,让我们有很强烈的“前沿感”。经典呵。 我们要注意到,对“操作定义”的用词与行文越简单明了越好,便于更多的学者或大众来讨论。把事实和观念说清楚。 因为原词是照英文...
图书标签: 社会学 Anthony.Giddens 通识类 安东尼·吉登斯 吉登斯 MCC
Social life is in a constant process of change, and sociology can never stand still. As a result, sociology today is a theoretically diverse enterprise, covering a huge range of subjects and drawing on a broad array of research methods. Central to this endeavour is the use of core concepts and ideas which allow sociologists to make sense of societies, though our understanding of these concepts necessarily evolves and changes.
This clear and jargon-free book introduces a careful selection of essential concepts that have helped to shape sociology and others that continue to do so. Going beyond brief, dictionary-style definitions, Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton provide an extended discussion of each concept which sets it in historical and theoretical context, explores its main meanings in use, introduces relevant criticisms, and points readers to its ongoing development in contemporary research and theorizing.
Organized in ten thematic sections, the book offers a portrait of sociology through its essential concepts, ranging from capitalism, identity and deviance to globalization, the environment and intersectionality. It will be essential reading for all those new to sociology as well as anyone seeking a reliable route map for a rapidly changing world.
结构清晰,可以作为社会学导论进行阅读,也可以作为社会学专题阅读的基础说明与索引。以working definition, origins of the concept, meaning and interpretation, critical points, continuing relevance的思路梳理概念的内涵,附以references and further reading。
评分2017-12 於圖書館九樓南
Essential Concepts in Sociology (2nd Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书