Lothar von Falkenhausen obtained a PhD in anthropology at Harvard University in 1988. Having taught at Stanford University and UC Riverside, he came to UCLA in 1993 and was promoted to Professor in 1997. His research concerns the archaeology of the Chinese Bronze Age, preferably focusing on large interdisciplinary and historical issues on which archaeological materials can provide significant new information. One example of this orientation are his numerous publications on musical instruments (especially chime-bells), culminating in his book Suspended Music (University of California Press, 1993). Other publications concern ancient Chinese bronzes and their inscriptions, ritual, regional cultures, archaeological synthesis, ancient trans-Asiatic contacts, and methodological issues. As the American co-PI of the ongoing Peking University-UCLA Joint Archaeological Project, he is directing excavations at ancient salt-production sites in the Yangzi River Basin. He serves as editor of the Journal of East Asian Archaeology and of the Early China Special Monographs Series.
Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius is based on the most up-to-date archaeological discoveries. It introduces new data, as well as new ways to think about them - modes of analysis that, while familiar to archaeological practitioners in the West and in Japan, are herein applied to evidence from the Chinese Bronze Age for the first time. The treatment of social stratification, clan and lineage organisation, as well as gender and ethnic differences will be of interest to those involved in the general or comparative analysis of grand themes in the Social Sciences.
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西周晚期的禮製改革:孔子及其後人所推崇的周代禮樂製度並不形成於西周早期(周公),而是西周晚期以後形成的新的政治體製。 把整個周代八百年命名為“孔子時代” 考古學必須從文獻曆史學的束縛中解放齣來。 考古學是研究社會其他非貴族階層的唯一可能的資料來源。 本書主要關...
評分美國加州大學洛杉磯分校的羅泰教授(Lothar von Falkenhausen)很喜歡中國的美食,性情也相當溫和,但談及中國考古學的現狀時,他會很激烈地批評電視颱的《鑒寶》類節目,批評一些大學考古係開設的麵嚮文物收藏傢的公眾考古課程。作為著名考古學傢張光直先生的學生,他對維護中...
評分原意是想瞭解些關於銘文性質問題,隨葬文書原因的意見,不過雖然本書對此也有提及,但絕非主體,著墨極少,不如看論文。 全書有兩點讓人印象深刻,第一,對學科獨立性(特彆是中國史研究領域)的大聲疾呼,作者反復強調,文獻能提供的許多內容,至少針對本書研究範圍內的,都可...
評分圖書標籤: 考古學 先秦史 海外中國研究 羅泰 先秦 考古 Archaeology 青銅器
被confucius支配的痛苦hhhhhhh /lothar可是當瞭我一個term的男神
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