罗伯特 J.古拉(Robert J. Gula,1941-1989)
Nonsense 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
简介 一个人开始推理之前,必须了解那些专门未受过相关训练大脑所埋设的陷阱。如果我们能识别这些圈套和花招,就可避免中招,也可阻止其他人过度依赖这些技巧。 同一律:任意命题或概念都应该与自身保持同一。要求我们在进行逻辑推理时,不要偷换概念。 排中律:两个互相矛盾的...
评分“我只知道它言之无理,却讲不出所有然”你我生活中或多或少都曾陷入此种困境,也曾使他人陷入困境。 我提笔落笔无数次,却无法描述《有毒的逻辑》真正的精华所在。我写下每一句话,心里却恐惧是否陷入逻辑困境。我想用一个例子告诉你们语言的魅力,它并不是毫无生命的,它有着...
评分 评分非常荣幸的领到了机械工业出版社的一本心理学书籍《有毒的逻辑》。这本书信息量非常庞大 ,向我们阐述了170多种逻辑谬误,且句句诛心,这本书详细的叙述了你经常用的,不经意用到的,或者是你完全忽略的,还有你意相不到的生活中的实例逻辑思维 ,是非常值得仔细研究的一本书,...
图书标签: 思维 心理学 逻辑 思考 心理 psychology think Psycological_well_being_is_me
Want to differentiate between the heavy emotional language you hear, the logic used, and the various errors in logic? Want to know what that false argument is called? Want to find a book that does not look, feel, and read like a textbook, but can easily be read/perused at your convenience?
This little paperback book (174 pages) is one of the best resource for exposing the various arguments and false logic that we humans sometimes use. The prose flows very easily, groups related fallacies together, and the author offers plenty of real-life examples. The first 3 content chapters discuss Emotional Language, its use and misuse. Then there is a chapter on Logical Fallacies. Then the author talks about Irrelevance, Confusion, Oversimplification, Evasion, Erroneous Comparison and Contrast, Arguments, Semantics, and Syllogism.
"I just know that that doesn't make any sense, but I'm not sure why" begins the author in the first chapter "Everyday Nonsense." The end of the book has a summary listing of all the fallacies and nonsense terms, a Bibliography, and a useful Index. The author, Robert John Gula (1941-1989) was educated at Colby College and Harvard University. He taught a course on logic (among other subjects) at a very elite private American high school.
评分comprehensive and thorough. Now, go out there and recognize the damn nonsense.
评分comprehensive and thorough. Now, go out there and recognize the damn nonsense.
Nonsense 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书