SALLY ROONEY was born in the west of Ireland in 1991. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Granta and The London Review of Books. Winner of the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award in 2017, she is the author of Conversations with Friends and the editor of the Irish literary journal The Stinging Fly.
Mr Salary 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 爱尔兰 短篇小说 SallyRooney 小说 Sally-Rooney 萨莉·鲁尼 英文 爱尔兰文学
My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all. Years ago, Sukie moved in with Nathan because her mother was dead and her father was difficult, and she had nowhere else to go.
其实这本不是新书,是16年发表在杂志 Granta 上的一篇短篇被收进了 Faber 的短篇系列专门出版。真的是非常短,大概只有不到20页,但已经可以看出她16年就有了相当不错的营造氛围、塑造人物的能力,对话也一样洗练抓人,可以看到很多 Conversations with Friends 的影子。 她到现在一共三本书,我一本不落都看了。知道她的好在哪里,但也对她未来的作品有了更大的期待——毕竟,这三本书的主人公都太像她自己:出生在爱尔兰小城市、都柏林读大学、稍显孤僻、心思敏感、社会主义者,人之间细腻复杂的感情关系是不变的主题。未来能不能跳出这种半自传体的作品,带来不一样的故事,或是在类似的故事里挖掘出不一样的视角,是我非常希望看到的尝试。
评分读之前眼瞎,居然把title看成了My Salary⋯哈哈很喜欢。 “Still, I had stood there waiting to see the body in the river, ignoring the real living bodies all around me, as if death was more of a miracle than life was. ”
评分猝不及防地结束了,我还想看在Boston之后又回来的生活,感觉前因后果还有待挖掘,就结束了,好短的一篇!如果说是一段生活的摘录的话还是很不错的。喜欢Sally Rooney! 她的文字是有魔力的,读得很舒适。
Mr Salary 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书