納爾遜•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela,1918—2013),南非第一位黑人總統,世界最著名的精神領袖和政治領袖之一,20世紀最傳奇的自由鬥士,南非非洲人國民大會前主席。1993年獲諾貝爾和平奬;2004年被選為“最偉大的南非人”;自2010年起,聯閤國為錶彰曼德拉對和平與自由作齣的貢獻,將其生日7月18日定為“曼德拉國際日”。
The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity ...Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling ...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' Donald Woods in the SUNDAY TIMES
From the Back Cover
The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political figure of our time, Long Walk to Freedom is the exhilarating story of Nelson Mandela's epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader.
'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity...unforgettable' - Andri Brink
'Enthralling...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders, such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' - Donald Woods in the Sunday Times
'Indispensable...[a] unique life-story' - Anthony Sampson
'A truly stunning account of his extraordinary life...a vivid testimony to an unusual mixture of courage, persistence, tolerance and forgiveness' - Sir David Steel
'One of the most extraordinary political tales of the 20th century and well worth the investment for anyone truly interested in the genesis of greatness' - Patti Waldmeir in the Financial Times
'An epic of struggle and learning and growing, it tells of a man whose idealism and hope have inspired a world prone to cynicism...[it] should be compulsory reading' - Mary Benson in the Daily Telegraph
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遼闊的非洲大地,孕育瞭這顆偉大的心靈——曼德拉。 當自己被偏見纏繞不能保持寬容的時候,想想曼德拉; 當自己沒有信心剋服眼前的一點點睏難的時候,想想曼德拉; 當自己有一點點成績而得意不能自抑的時候,想想曼德拉..... 很幸運,和一個偉大人物生長在同一個時代。
評分曼德拉的人生是令人敬佩的。作為他的自傳,無論寫得如何,都很值得一讀。如果你是一個理想主義者,那這就是一本必讀的書,因為它揭示瞭隻為理想而奮鬥的人生的多種可能性。 由於有很多人都推薦這本書,我在這裏就不做更多的評價瞭。隻是有感於本拉登的事,順便說幾句關於恐怖...
評分曼德拉如你我一樣,有過年少時的青澀、衝動、固執和狹隘。歲月沉重如鐵鏈,但這靈魂雖被壓著卻依然飄逸不遜,且胸懷變得更寬廣瞭。 閱曆誰都會有,但如何運用閱曆則決定一個人的路。
評分二周,讀瞭近半。書中曼德拉記述的他和他的同伴們在60年前通嚮FREEDOM的WALK中,遭遇的當時南非當局的各種待遇,很像近幾年國內的新聞。不過,曼德拉對50年代南非的敘述,有一點與大陸有顯著區彆。引文如下(Part Five TREASON的最後部分): The court syetem, however, was pe...
評分曼德拉如你我一樣,有過年少時的青澀、衝動、固執和狹隘。歲月沉重如鐵鏈,但這靈魂雖被壓著卻依然飄逸不遜,且胸懷變得更寬廣瞭。 閱曆誰都會有,但如何運用閱曆則決定一個人的路。
圖書標籤: 曼德拉 傳記 英文原版 autobiography 政治 英文 漫漫自由路 勵誌
compelling,irresistible,wonderful,imposing,riveting,touching,moving,fascinating,這些都是書評上的詞匯,我覺得加在一起也絲毫不過分。曼德拉從一個青澀少年最終成長為為瞭南非自由而抗爭的鬥士,在重重磨難(尤其是27年的牢獄生涯)中,堅持信念而不屈服,實在令人敬佩。書中關於監獄生活的描寫尤其精彩,比《肖申剋的救贖》有過之而不及。聽著beyond為他所寫的《光輝歲月》,看著熟悉的歌詞,終於理解瞭其中的含義,光輝歲月確是他一生的寫照。不管是文筆還是內容,都絕不會令人失望,真是一本必讀之書!suffer from, struggle with, triumph over !
評分An excellent reading experience to understand Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid hero's 27-year-long prison life's striving for South Africa's blackmen's freedom, and his great charisma for his outstanding contributions for the world which inspiring youngsters, feminists and freedom soldiers etc. to fight for their own rights.
評分這本書提醒瞭我為什麼喜歡傳記但不喜歡自傳。自傳必然主觀,我更多時候對這個人物的客觀影響比較感興趣。對Mandela不是很瞭解,書中提到的各種事件的曆史意義,當時監獄外的社會狀況等本書提到的不夠。有時不該謙虛的時候,自傳過於謙虛。有時覺得being preached to. 整體閱讀體驗一般。
評分An excellent reading experience to understand Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid hero's 27-year-long prison life's striving for South Africa's blackmen's freedom, and his great charisma for his outstanding contributions for the world which inspiring youngsters, feminists and freedom soldiers etc. to fight for their own rights.
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