Steven Pinker is one of the world's leading authorities on language and the mind. His popular and highly praised books include The Stuff of Thought, The Blank Slate, Words and Rules, How the Mind Works, and The Language Instinct. The recipient of several major awards for his teaching, books, and scientific research, Pinker is Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He also writes frequently for The New York Times, Time, The New Republic, and other magazines.
In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America. This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published.
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學過高數的人都知道,一個命題越簡單,證明起來往往就越是復雜。 《語言本能》的核心觀點也很簡單:語言並非一項文化創造,而是人的一種本能。為瞭證明這點,平剋進行瞭非常詳細的論證。書中縝密的分析和豐富的案例很值得一讀,能讓人對語言學習的機製和語言的本質多一些瞭解...
評分本文發錶於《三聯生活周刊》微信公眾號 感謝三聯貝小戎老師~ 史蒂芬•平剋是哈佛大學的心理學教授,二十年前...
評分在《語言本能》一書中,史蒂芬•平剋(Steven Pinker)主要做瞭三方麵的工作:首先,他繼承瞭語言學上的喬姆斯基傳統,論證瞭“語言是人類的一種先天本能,而不是社會文化的産物”,而按照我的理解,這裏的語言本能更多是指我們有一套先天的語法知識;其次,平剋試圖錶明自然語...
評分語小言經典入門書吧,用不那麼蛋疼的方式展示語小言蛋疼的本質。 雖然這個老傢夥嚴格意義上心理學傢而不是語言學傢,但是在語言習得的爭論中,明顯和喬姆斯基有一腿。。。 Youtube 上有個他主講的視頻,可以作為本書簡介,活潑可愛賣萌清新,可以戳這裏
評分達爾文說:…language is an art, like brewing or baking… 我們對於自己的本能很容易熟視無睹,因此當我們追問為什麼我們高興瞭會笑而不是哭,就顯得很奇怪。 我們可以使用system 1錶達思想,因此有時候會口無遮攔。 When we are comprehending sentences, the stream of wor...
圖書標籤: 語言學 認知科學 心理學 Steven_Pinker 語言 linguistics 科普 language
評分Black American English (BAE)相對於Standard American English (SAE) 來說,其實簡化得更少,錶達更精準。允許pidgin的齣現,其實我覺得chinglish也沒啥不好的
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