Jeffrey Marc Wooldridge (born 1960) is an American econometrician at Michigan State University. He is known for his theoretical contributions to analysis of cross-sectional and panel data.
After graduating in computer science and economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982, Wooldridge earned a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, San Diego in 1986. He spent five years as an assistant professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before joining faculty at Michigan State University, where he became a professor in 1993. He was designated University Distinguished Professor in 2001.
Wooldridge is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and of the Journal of Econometrics. He is also known as the author of the popular econometrics textbooks Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach and Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.
Discover how empirical researchers today actually think about and apply econometric methods with the practical, professional approach in Wooldridge's INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS: A MODERN APPROACH, 5E. Unlike traditional books on the subject, INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS' unique presentation demonstrates how econometrics has moved beyond just a set of abstract tools to become a genuinely useful tool for answering questions in business, policy evaluation, and forecasting environments. Organized around the type of data being analyzed, the book uses a systematic approach that only introduces assumptions as they are needed, which makes the material easier to understand and ultimately leads to better econometric practices. Packed with timely, relevant applications, the text emphasizes incorporates close to 100 intriguing data sets in six formats and offers updates that reflect the latest emerging developments in the field.
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高年級本科、碩士水平的經典計量經濟教材!這本書絕對可以用“漂亮”二字概括,費劍平翻譯的也很好,錯誤極少。少量的印刷錯誤主要集中於附錄,可在網上下載本書英文電子版加以對照。 針對本科水平而言(側重應用研究),本書Ch1--10,Ch12--16都是必學章節,基本上...
評分高年級本科、碩士水平的經典計量經濟教材!這本書絕對可以用“漂亮”二字概括,費劍平翻譯的也很好,錯誤極少。少量的印刷錯誤主要集中於附錄,可在網上下載本書英文電子版加以對照。 針對本科水平而言(側重應用研究),本書Ch1--10,Ch12--16都是必學章節,基本上...
評分首先,一定要看英文版,這本書最大的優點在於:案例豐富,經濟意義描述清晰,讓人不會陷入數學的謎團,知道“計量經濟學”是一門“經濟學”而不是“數學”!!!一般情況下,學完初級微觀宏觀就可以嘗試看這本英文書。 最大的缺點在於:主體按照OLS估計,很少涉及MLE,GMM,但...
評分首先,一定要看英文版,這本書最大的優點在於:案例豐富,經濟意義描述清晰,讓人不會陷入數學的謎團,知道“計量經濟學”是一門“經濟學”而不是“數學”!!!一般情況下,學完初級微觀宏觀就可以嘗試看這本英文書。 最大的缺點在於:主體按照OLS估計,很少涉及MLE,GMM,但...
評分適閤中級水平的書,是經濟學領域較好的教材,但不是最好的教材,好的教材很多。其他學科的相關教材也很好。 第四版閹割瞭很多內容,國內的齣版商無恥的很,而且字很小,印刷質量很一般。和國外的印刷質量比起來,差彆太大。建議網上搜電子版的看或者買第三版。 建議先看一些入...
圖書標籤: 計量經濟學 Econometrics 計量 經濟學 textbook 數學 教材 Quant
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