NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB is an essayist, belletrist, & researcher only interested in one single topic, chance (particularly extreme & rare events, the "Black Swans" i.e. outliers); but it falls at the intersection of philosophy/epistemology (skepticism; knowledge about the dynamics of history; inferential claims), philosophy/ethics (stoicism facing random events; theories of nonhedonic happiness), mathematical sciences (probability theory, statistical physics), social science/finance (opacity & incomplete information in economics), and cognitive science (the mental biases making us "fooled" by randomness). He mainly derives his intuitions from a 2-decade long and intense practice of derivatives trading ("nondull" activities with plenty of randomness).
The Bed of Procrustes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1. 思维清晰是勇气的结果,而不是反过来。 2. 傻瓜认为自己是特殊的,别人都是普遍的;聪明人认为自己是普遍的,别人都是特殊的。 3. 绝大多数沉迷于信息-网络-媒体-报纸的人都很难接受,获得智慧的主要方法是从头脑中除去垃圾信息。 4. 愚人的陷阱是,你会关注你知道而别人...
评分——by木木勺 我记得第一次接触人生格言这个词,是在小学上了几年但认字还不多的时候,当时觉得人生格言真是神奇,好像只要找到了它就找到了一辈子的指南针和行为规范。那时候同学们之间经常相互交流,你的人生格言是什么啊?每听到一个特别唬人的就记在本子上,因为写作文的...
评分这本书对于不会英语的中国人来说,只有二十分之一是有用的,我是在最吵闹的公共环境,马路上读完的。在这种环境下,能得到这本书并读这种书,真是两项最佳选择! 它全篇都是几十个字的短句,3倍于字的行距,左右双版,左边是英语原文的草书,右边才是中国字。正迎合了信息爆炸时...
评分 评分图书标签: 思维 哲学 taleb 英文 感悟 思想 Aphorism 美国
By the author of the modern classic The Black Swan, this collection of aphorisms and meditations expresses his major ideas in ways you least expect.
The Bed of Procrustes takes its title from Greek mythology: the story of a man who made his visitors fit his bed to perfection by either stretching them or cutting their limbs. It represents Taleb’s view of modern civilization’s hubristic side effects—modifying humans to satisfy technology, blaming reality for not fitting economic models, inventing diseases to sell drugs, defining intelligence as what can be tested in a classroom, and convincing people that employment is not slavery.
Playful and irreverent, these aphorisms will surprise you by exposing self-delusions you have been living with but never recognized.
With a rare combination of pointed wit and potent wisdom, Taleb plows through human illusions, contrasting the classical values of courage, elegance, and erudition against the modern diseases of nerdiness, philistinism, and phoniness.
#微書評#The author Taleb wrote that we find it to be extremely bad taste for individuals to boast of their accomplishments; but when countries do so we call it 'national pride'.
评分wise words...
评分Black swan比起来这个算个吊。
评分#微書評#The author Taleb wrote that we find it to be extremely bad taste for individuals to boast of their accomplishments; but when countries do so we call it 'national pride'.
评分格言与吐槽的本质区别在于是否有如下操作:1.高级词汇,2.丰满韵脚,3.魔性转折,4.引发令人发指的愉悦。???? (+5.硬皮装帧)
The Bed of Procrustes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书