奥兰多·费吉斯(Orlando Figes),英国人,生于1959年,剑桥大学三一学院博士,现任英国伦敦大学伯贝克学院历史学教授。俄国生活的方方面面,不论是文学艺术,还是政治经济,他都烂熟于心,无人能出其右。他的一系列解读沙俄及苏联历史的著作如《耳语者:斯大林时代苏联的私人生活》《娜塔莎之舞:俄罗斯文化史》等都取得了非凡的成就,是当今英语世界俄罗斯研究的一流大家。作品曾获沃尔夫森奖、NCR图书奖,并入围萨缪尔·约翰逊奖、达夫·库珀奖等,已被翻译成二十多种文字出版。
Crimea 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最近看克里米亚战争,从前的几个疑惑得解。 国产清史专家总说清亡于外敌入侵,然而八强历次侵华,派出军队过万人的次数都屈指可数,大清可是让三亿子民养育了几百万八旗子弟。 对比1853-1855年的克里米亚战争,英法奥撒四国联手苦战沙俄,外加奥地利陈兵威慑吓得沙皇撤军,参战...
评分 评分(来自亚马逊网站) 在英国多塞特郡(Dorset)一个宁静的小村庄维奇安普敦(Witchampton)的教区教堂里,有一座为本村的五位子弟兵建立的纪念碑,他们都战死在克里米亚战场。纪念碑上刻着这样的文字: 为效忠国家而死 长眠在克里米亚 愿他们的灵魂得到安息 公元1854年 在法国西...
图书标签: 欧洲 战争 战争史 宗教 英语 英国 潛水 法国
The terrible conflict that dominated the mid 19th century, the Crimean War killed at least 800,000 men and pitted Russia against a formidable coalition of Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire. It was a war for territory, provoked by fear that if the Ottoman Empire were to collapse then Russia could control a huge swathe of land from the Balkans to the Persian Gulf. But it was also a war of religion, driven by a fervent, populist and ever more ferocious belief by the Tsar and his ministers that it was Russia's task to rule all Orthodox Christians and control the Holy Land. Orlando Figes' major new book reimagines this extraordinary war, in which the stakes could not have been higher and which was fought with a terrible mixture of ferocity and incompetence. It was both a recognisably modern conflict - the first to be extensively photographed, the first to employ the telegraph, the first 'newspaper war' - and a traditional one, with illiterate soldiers, amateur officers and huge casualties caused by disease. The iconic moments of the war - the Charge of the Light Brigade, the Siege of Sebastopol, the impact of Florence Nightingale - are all here, but there is also a rich sense of the Crimea itself and the culture that was destroyed by the fighting. Drawing on a huge range of fascinating sources, Figes also gives the lived experience of the war, from that of the ordinary British soldier in his snow-filled trench, to the haunted, gloomy, narrow figure of Tsar Nicholas himself as he vows to take on the whole world in his hunt for religious salvation.
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