艾倫•雅各布斯(Alan Jacobs)
著有:《納尼亞傳奇:C.S. 劉易斯傳》、《原罪:文化史》和《閱讀的神學》。
Is reading under threat? No, says Alan Jacobs--but people do need help iand encouragemnt to enjoy it to the full. Jacobs's experience as a lecturer and many-time author suggests that many readers lack confidence; they wonder whether they are reading well, with proper focus and attentiveness, with due discretion and discernment. Many have absorbed the puritanical message that reading is, first and foremost, good for you--the intellectual equivalent of eating your Brussels sprouts. For such people, indeed for all readers, Jacobs offers some simple, powerful, and much needed advice: read at whim, read what gives you delight, and do so without shame, whether it be Stephen King or the King James Version of the Bible. He offers an insightful, accessible, and playfully irreverent guide for aspiring readers. Each chapter focuses on one aspect of approaching literary fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, and the book explores everything from the invention of silent reading, reading responsively, rereading, and reading on electronic devices. Invitingly written, with equal measures of wit and erudition, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction will appeal to all readers, whether they be novices looking for direction or old hands seeking to recapture the pleasures of reading they first experienced as children.
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書單池NO·308 書名:《消遣時代的閱讀樂趣》 作者:[美]艾倫·雅各布斯 翻譯:魏瑞莉 齣版社:譯林齣版社 推薦:???????????????? 如果一件事對你來說沒有樂趣可循,你會去做麼?相信大多數人都會選擇不會。更何況閱讀,這種看起來吃力又不討好的事情。 很多人問我,為何喜歡...
評分五星推薦。 在讀瞭“如何讀懂書,如何快速閱讀”一係列書後,再看這本書,有耳目一新的感覺。 作者告訴我們閱讀的初心,應該僅僅是樂趣,纔能讓我們做到沉迷,拋棄功利的心態;閱讀的隨意可以讓我們獲得意外的驚喜和收獲而無須書單;閱讀的成就感,不應來自於在書單上劃去一本...
評分本書的宗旨是:讀自己想讀的,讀自己愛好的,不要盲從專傢或他人推薦。應該以自己為主,閱讀是讀給自己的。態度正確是自然會有驅動力去閱讀。 麵對大量的資料,也許有人覺得無從選擇。書中說到:“我們不是資訊過載,是過濾失調。”在現今社會,信息量暴增,我們確實需要加強自...
評分最近讀瞭一本《閱讀的樂趣》(the Pleasure of Reading in An Age of Distraction),不過,照書名直譯,似乎《在一個心不在焉的時代裏談談閱讀的樂趣》更為準確恰當。後細細想來,英譯漢,自然要考慮中文讀者習慣簡短標題這一文化背景,也就不計較瞭。看完瞭全部文章隨筆,纔...
評分最近讀瞭一本《閱讀的樂趣》(the Pleasure of Reading in An Age of Distraction),不過,照書名直譯,似乎《在一個心不在焉的時代裏談談閱讀的樂趣》更為準確恰當。後細細想來,英譯漢,自然要考慮中文讀者習慣簡短標題這一文化背景,也就不計較瞭。看完瞭全部文章隨筆,纔...
圖書標籤: 閱讀 關於書的書 Reading 英文原版 美國 雜文 未知 書話
A book by an English professor, a change of pace from the more serious stuff I am reading. 讀後覺得比預期要好。有共鳴。很可愛的一本小書。一個愛書人寫給彆的愛書人看的。
評分還是某種程度解答瞭我訊息爆炸下的睏惑。問題在於,不能忽略的一件事是,不管hyper attention還是 deep attention,首先你得pay attention!(減一星)然後我從來不認為人有multitask的能力,多任務間切換實際是消耗精力和低效的。(減一星)
評分A book by an English professor, a change of pace from the more serious stuff I am reading. 讀後覺得比預期要好。有共鳴。很可愛的一本小書。一個愛書人寫給彆的愛書人看的。
評分還是某種程度解答瞭我訊息爆炸下的睏惑。問題在於,不能忽略的一件事是,不管hyper attention還是 deep attention,首先你得pay attention!(減一星)然後我從來不認為人有multitask的能力,多任務間切換實際是消耗精力和低效的。(減一星)
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