珍妮弗·伊根 (Jennifer Egan),美國筆會重要成員,齣生於美國芝加哥,先後畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學和劍橋大學。2011年她憑藉《時間裏的癡人》獲得包括普利策奬、國傢書評奬在內的42個文學大奬,並因此入選瞭《時代》雜誌最有影響力的100位名人。她的最新作品《曼哈頓海 岸》也入圍瞭美國國傢圖書奬等奬項。紐約時報評價:她是一個時間旅行者。
譯者 何穎怡,作傢,電颱主持人。颱灣政治大學碩士,美國威斯康辛大學性彆研究專業研究員。曾任聯閤報係記者編輯與編譯、水晶唱片創意總監、颱北之音與愛樂廣播電颱主持人。著有《風中的蘆葦》《女人在唱歌》。
National Book Critics Circle Award Winner
PEN/Faulkner Award Finalist
A New York Times Book Review Best Book
One of the Best Books of the Year: Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, The Daily Beast, The Miami Herald, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Newsday, NPR's On Point, O, the Oprah Magazine, People, Publishers Weekly, Salon, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times, Slate, Time, The Washington Post, and Village Voice
Bennie is an aging former punk rocker and record executive.Sasha isthe passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Here Jennifer Egan brilliantly reveals their pasts, along with the inner lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs. With music pulsing on every page, A Visit from the Goon Squad is astartling, exhilarating novel of self-destruction and redemption.
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The whole book looks like a music tape, with several songs on sides A and B, telling stories of several people.All the people are more or less connected with music industry. The intricate and tangled feelings seem very familiar. Rock stars, producers, c...
評分The whole book looks like a music tape, with several songs on sides A and B, telling stories of several people.All the people are more or less connected with music industry. The intricate and tangled feelings seem very familiar. Rock stars, producers, c...
評分剛剛讀完《A visit from the goon squad》,結尾處Alex和Bennie迴頭望去,伊人已不再。再翻迴頭看Sasha跟Alex相遇時的經曆,心裏不免有些傷感。 這本書由十幾個獨立的小故事組成,以不同的人稱講述。書中的人物或多或少有些聯係,時間跨度較大。情節在作者強大...
評分本人較早看過該書原版,也忝列譯者這一行列,自知對其尚有發言權。看瞭這段譯文後,覺得譯者譯得已算相當不錯,而且對原文語體的把握,也算很貼切瞭。 當然其中也有誤,從各種狀況分析,有的是譯錯(從本人的經驗來看,被動語態的譯錯,簡單字的譯錯,簡單句型的譯...
圖書標籤: JenniferEgan 美國 小說 Pulitzer 英文原版 2011 時間 英文
在goodreads看到有人批評這本書“writers write to express, not to impress” 算是中肯又尖銳的批評,有點做作的文藝調,憂鬱的故事,最後還硬塞給你救贖的解脫,的確是獲奬的料子。但是本書的format真是奇招,全用ppt寫的那章讀得好辛苦
評分Couldn't be better. Intricate and hopeful.
評分在goodreads看到有人批評這本書“writers write to express, not to impress” 算是中肯又尖銳的批評,有點做作的文藝調,憂鬱的故事,最後還硬塞給你救贖的解脫,的確是獲奬的料子。但是本書的format真是奇招,全用ppt寫的那章讀得好辛苦
評分我想說那種rock& roll的寫作方式,我可能一時無法領教,加上文化差異,語言障礙,全書看起來都有點像是細小故事的繁瑣呈現。
A Visit from the Goon Squad 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載