Katherine Applegate's many books include the Roscoe Riley Rules chapter book series, the picture book The Buffalo Storm, and the award-winning novel Home of the Brave. With her husband, Michael Grant, she wrote the hugely popular series Animorphs, which has sold more than 35 million copies worldwide.
Katherine was inspired to write The One and Only Ivan after reading about the true story of a captive gorilla known as Ivan, the Shopping Mall Gorilla. The real Ivan lived alone in a tiny cage for twenty-seven years at a shopping mall before being moved to Zoo Atlanta after a public outcry. He was a beloved celebrity at the zoo, which houses the nation's largest collection of western lowland gorillas. Ivan was well known for his paintings, which he "signed" with a thumbprint.
Katherine lives in California with her husband and two children.
Ivan is an easygoing gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely misses his life in the jungle. In fact, he hardly ever thinks about it at all.
Instead, Ivan thinks about TV shows he’s seen and about his friends Stella, an elderly elephant, and Bob, a stray dog. But mostly Ivan thinks about art and how to capture the taste of a mango or the sound of leaves with color and a well-placed line.
Then he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from her family, and she makes Ivan see their home—and his own art—through new eyes. When Ruby arrives, change comes with her, and it’s up to Ivan to make it a change for the better.
Katherine Applegate blends humor and poignancy to create Ivan’s unforgettable first-person narration in a story of friendship, art, and hope.
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《獨一無二的伊凡》是一本很感人的書,充滿著動物之間、動物與人之間的溫情。 書中一開始呈現的場景是大猩猩伊凡、大象史黛拉還有其他小動物被關在巔峰商場裏展齣。透過伊凡的自白和動物們的對話,我們知道,伊凡年幼時曾在森林裏快樂、自在地生活,但後遭狡猾的獵人誘捕,賣...
評分今天北京陰雨霏霏,去小區門口取快遞時,發現幾株玉蘭樹上已是花苞朵朵瞭,原本那是每年春來時喜人的景色,尤其是給上下班的路上增加色彩,但如今每日開車,反倒沒有機會遇見,差一點就錯過瞭報春的消息。 這本書也是閨女推薦的,復工後被現場和遠程交流的夾擊下,工作與生活時...
評分今天北京陰雨霏霏,去小區門口取快遞時,發現幾株玉蘭樹上已是花苞朵朵瞭,原本那是每年春來時喜人的景色,尤其是給上下班的路上增加色彩,但如今每日開車,反倒沒有機會遇見,差一點就錯過瞭報春的消息。 這本書也是閨女推薦的,復工後被現場和遠程交流的夾擊下,工作與生活時...
圖書標籤: 兒童文學 英文原版 紐伯瑞 外國兒童文學 英文版 英文 美國文學 [Newbery_Medal_Book]
其實是聽完的,朗讀的不錯,尤其是那隻狗????,又賤又萌。流落在城市的動物,最後的希望也隻能寄托於人類,還好人們在一步一步的瞭解動物,關心動物。Ivan有瞭自己要保護的小象Ruby,這個時候他纔是最強大的吧。U R always the one and only
評分紐伯瑞奬的確是相當程度上的質量保證。對小象完全無感,印象最深的倒是耐心和善地養大主角、主動塞錢給窮睏員工、盡量避免苛待動物、結果卻被主角跟員工一起背叛的可憐老闆Mack,以及結尾那句”This is, after all, still a cage“。大象對動物園的定義很棒——”A good zoo is how humans make amends“,這並不是大團圓,隻是現狀下所能達到的相對理想收場而已。
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